2~ Baby Days.

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Rosalie's pov

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Rosalie's pov

It's been 6 months since I've found Anastasia and she's absolutely perfect. Her hair has grown out a lot and Jasper has been more comfortable around her. He watches her sleep and eats he holds her sometimes but not all because normally at this age babies can mistake who mama and daddy are so Esme and Carlisle took the roles of her parents because she'll be going to school with us at the age of 14 when she starts 9th grade. She'll be homeschooled until then.

Today I'm in the bathroom bathing, Anastasia. She loves bath time especially when I wash her hair. Esme walks in when I'm drying her. "Hey come on Jasper wants to talk to everyone downstairs and bring the baby," she says.

I finish drying her and putting baby lotion on her. I put her outfit on her and I walk downstairs. Everyone is sitting down except Jasper he turns to me and Ana and smiles. "I just wanted to say we need to vote on what age I can pursue Ana as my mate," he says and We all nod at him. "I pitched three ages 16,17,18 so all votes for 16," he says and Edward, Emmet, Esme, Lucas, and Alice raise their hands. "17?" Jasper asks and Carlisle raises him and everyone turns and looks at me. "Well I vote eighteen but I guess it's settled when she's sixteen," I say.

That night when Esme and I are chatting and Anastasia is looking at the TV Jasper comes from downstairs and she turns to him and reaches out to him he picks her up and walks off to the balcony with her.

"It'll be okay," Esme says. "It's just don't you think it'll be a little weird with the two being together when she grew up with him," I say. "No it's just like the wolves and imprinting when they imprint on young children," She says. "I guess you're right but I can't help but be cautious," I say. "Of course you are she's like your daughter," Esme says.

I turn around and look out of the window of the balcony and see Jasper bouncing Anastasia and kisses her head while she giggles and I think to myself this might not be so bad.

6 months later
Rosalie's POV

Anastasia is one today, she's walking and talking now well she's talking a little. Alice is planning her party downstairs, since we are living in Alaska the Denali's are coming over to see her too. I get her ready in a cute little dress and I do her hair.

I pick her up and she plays with my jewelry. "Hey hey behave today is a big day for you my little one," I say to her. "Sorry," she says in her baby voice. "Alright Rose bring her down when she's ready" Alice yells from downstairs. "Okay, we're coming," I say.

We both walk downstairs I'm holding her hand and Alice takes a photo. She starts giggling and everyone takes a photo together with Emmet holding Ana and everyone smiling at Ana.

"Okay everyone there's a scavenger hunt I put different things around and clues now the reward is a surprise and it's for the adults so everyone here's the team the Denali's together and Lucas, Esme, Carlisle and I and lastly "Rosalie, Emmet, Edward, Jasper, and Anastasia together," Alice says. "Wait you can't play you know where everything is," Kate says. "I'm just going to be an additional member and my lips are sealed," she says.

"Now everyone here's your first clue, Now the time starts now!" Alice says. Everyone vamp speeds out of the house. Everyone is searching and we're winning mainly because of Edward because he's reading Alice's mind.

Anastasia starts to whine and squirm in Emmet's arms and she reaches for me. "Trader," Emmet says. "Leave my baby alone," I say as I bounce her. We get to the finish mark and we win.

"Okay the gifts are fur coats," Alice says as she hands me mine and Anastasia's. "Okay cake time!" Alice says. Lucas lights the candles and kneels in front of Anastasia with the cake.

"Okay, guys sing happy birthday on three one....two......three," Alice says and we all start to sing around Anastasia she looks around at everyone, and then her eyes land on me and she runs towards me and wraps her arms around my left leg so I pick her up and Lucas stands up and comes towards us and then everyone is done singing and then I blow out her candle for her.

I cut her a slice and sit her in her high chair and she starts eating getting chocolate cake all smeared around her mouth. Alice takes more photos of her and everyone just laughs at how cute she is, She finishes up and we make our way to the gift table.

"Okay, guys it's the present time!" Alice says. We open Esme and Carlisle and it's a big dollhouse with a couple of barbie dolls. "Okay Edward and Emmet Rosalie go get your gifts," Alice says. The two come back with a little light pink piano and a toy pink Lamborghini that we control because she can't drive it yet.

The Denali's get her a lot of clothes and stuff animals and a rocking horse. Alice and Lucas got her an American girl doll that looks like her. "Okay, Jasper what did you get her?" Alice asks. He rolls over this light pink toy motorcycle and it wasn't like a plastic one it was metal but it had a controller too.

We hear our car pull in outside. "That's the second gift just arrived wait here," he says and runs downstairs. He comes back with this caramel-colored teacup Maltese puppy. "Ummm Jasper that's a nice gift but that dog better, not pee or poop anywhere in the house," Esme says.

Ana is sitting on my lap and I place her down on the floor and so does Jasper with the puppy. We push the two together and the puppy barks and licks her face. Ana whines and her lips tremble like she's about to cry until the puppy nuzzles her and she hugs her back. "Does she has all of her shots?" I ask. "Yes and she's fixed," he says.

"What are you gonna name her?" Esme asks Anastasia. "Nugget," she says. "Nugget?" Carlisle questions. "Yeah because she is the color of a chicken nugget," she says with a giggle. We all laugh and enjoy the rest of the party.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! Thank you for reading this fanfic I just published my very own book called Gems! Please check it out, I promise it'll keep your attention and excitement!

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