9~ New Girl.

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It's been a year and we still haven't met Edward's mate

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It's been a year and we still haven't met Edward's mate. It's March and I'm a junior and I'm now seventeen. Jasper and I love each other has stronger we barely go to the big house we normally just stay in my treehouse.

Today we get to school a little late and the day has gone by slow. We're walking past the windows outside the cafeteria and I see a new girl she had very pale skin and brown hair that reached her shoulders. She was pretty but it seemed like she doesn't know.

Bella's POV

I'm sitting at lunch with Angela and Jessica and I turn my head and I see six people walk in. "Who are they?" I ask. "The Cullens," Angela says.

"They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullens foster kids, They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago". Says Jessica "They kind of keep to themselves". " Yeah, cause they're all together, like together." The blonde girl Rosalie and the big dark hair guy Emmet are like a thing I'm not even sure if that's legal," Jessica says.

"Jess, they're not actually related," Angela says. "Yeah but they live together it's weird, Oh, and the little dark-haired girl's Alice she's really weird, and she's with Lucas the one who's looking at her like she's a goddess," she says, and then a blonde pair walk by.

"Oh, that's Anastasia Cullen she and Mike used to hang out a bit ever since she and Jasper got together not so much. Oh and that's Jasper the one who looks like he's in pain" She says.

As the blonde girl walks by she turns her head my way and smiles at me and I just smile back and her boyfriend just keeps looking at her like he'll take a bullet for her. Then another boy walks in and I'm immediately attracted to him.

Anastasia's POV

When we all sit down she keeps staring until Edward walks in. "She's the one from my vision, she's Edward's mate," Alice says.

Edward sits down and stares at the girl intently. "Don't scare her Edward" I say. "He's not I can feel her emotions she's feeling curious and intrigued," Jasper says.

"She's just like you Anastasia, I can't read her mind," Edward says. "Good I'm glad I'm not the only one," I say. The bell rings and Edward, Jasper, and I are on our way to biology class.

Jasper and I sit in our regular seats in the back of the class right behind Edward. Mike walks in with the new girl who's name is Isabella. She walks right past the fan and her hair blows and I notice Edward stiffen and clench the desk.

"Her blood sings to him as yours does to me," Jasper says to me. Isabella sits right beside Edward and he glares at her so intensely. He's holding his nose and that makes her smell herself.

The rest of class goes on and Edward keeps on glaring at her. Edward gets up right before the bell rings and storms out of the classroom. The girl is kind of taken back and I feel bad so I decide I'll introduce myself.

"I'm gonna introduce myself," I tell Jasper and he nods and gathers the rest of our belongings. I walk up to her and she's getting her stuff.

"Hi I'm Anastasia Cullen and you're Isabella right ?" I say. "Yes but just Bella and is your brother okay ?" She asks. "Um yeah he's fine he's just a little socially awkward," I say. "Oh okay it was nice meeting you," she says. "You too," I say. She leaves and Jasper and I make our way to the student parking lot.

Edward wants to have a sit down with everybody so we're all in the living room. "I'm living Forks for a week or two," he says. "Is this because of Bella?" I ask. "Yes I don't want to harm her," he says. "Edward you won't if you would have I've would've seen it," Alice says. "Doesn't matter Alice I'm doing this for her alright" he says. "Okay we support your decision very considerate of you," Esme says. He nods and speeds out of the room.

Days have gone by since Edward has been gone and Bella has most definitely noticed and we can tell she is very curious. Jasper and I are sitting in biology working on a worksheet while the rest of the class is goofing off and chattering.

"Hey um is your brother coming back to school soon," Bella asks Jasper and me. "Um Yes he's just sick that's all, I mean really sick," I say. "Oh okay I was just hoping that it wasn't because of me," she says. "Oh no, it definitely has nothing to do with you," I say.

"Good I'm glad, so I don't have to worry about anything with him right because I was gonna confront him and demand to know what his problem was," she says. "Nope zero worries," I say and she smiled and turns back around. I look at Jasper and he smirks at me and kisses my forehead.

Author's note:

Hey everyone! Thank you for reading this fanfic I just published my very own book called Gems! Please check it out, I promise it'll keep your attention and excitement! I changed Anastasia's birthday to the same day as Bella's September 13th. Just to give them that little extra connection.

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