12. The Conduit

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THE CONDUITBy memarti5

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By memarti5

The Doppelgänger Kidnapper has been snatching women from the night. Ava fits the criteria to be one of the Doppelgänger Kidnapper's victims. Will she become a victim or will she escape their grasp?

My sneaker plunged into the unseen puddle soaking my shoe and sock in the process

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My sneaker plunged into the unseen puddle soaking my shoe and sock in the process. I kept moving forward with my hand clenched tightly around the straps of my canvas bag as I practically ran through the deserted streets of my beloved city. There was no time to worry about a silly thing like the fabric clinging uncomfortably around my foot. Curfew was about to be enacted and I was still several blocks from my apartment.

A black sedan beside me slowed to a crawl at the same pace as me. I kept my head forward and increased my grip on my bag. If this was the Doppelgänger Kidnapper, he wasn't getting me without a fight.

"Hey! It's almost curfew," called a male voice from the car. "Do you need a ride home?"

I shook my head furiously as I picked up my pace. "No thanks!" I stated without looking at the car. I was too scared to look at the face of my potential kidnapper.

"Please let me give you a ride. It's not safe out here."

I started jogging even though it would be impossible for me to out run the car. Perhaps if I found an alley along the way I could lose the guy if it came to that. "I said I'm fine."

"Suit yourself." The car drove away relieving some tension from my shoulders.

The Doppelgänger Kidnapper had been on a rampage for several weeks now kidnapping women. Their physical characteristics matched mine almost to a T. Every woman had long brown hair and blue eye, a combination that wasn't too common to begin with. They were all around 120-140lbs and between the heights of 5'4" and 5'7".

I could easily be the next victim the Doppelgänger Kidnapper chose. I tried to limit my traveling to during the day but today couldn't be helped. I had a research paper due at midnight and my Wi-Fi had been on the fritz for the past week. I intended only to stay for a couple hours, but the paper took longer than I anticipated leaving me in the dark.

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