4. Snatch and Release

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By SilenceOfTheTori

Nightmares are never fun, especially when they reoccur. Maybe it's best to just stay awake...

"And the next morning, they went missing!"

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"And the next morning, they went missing!"

The sounds of shrieks and squeals shook me from my meditation. I rubbed my throbbing temples.

"Shut up, Connor! That story is made up!"

"Go ahead, don't believe me. But you'll go missing next!"

"Shut up! Fred, tell him to leave me alone. Fred!"

My eyes snapped open when Sophie's hand grabbed my shoulder, shaking me hard.

"Hey!" I pushed her hand away, giving her a glare. "Can't you see I'm trying to take a nap?"

Sophie stuck out a pouting lip.

"Connor keeps trying to scare me with dumb stories. Can't you make him stop? He never listens to me."

"Why don't you sleep during the nighttime, like a normal person?" Connor jumped down from the nearby desk he'd been sitting atop, strolling towards me. He smirked down at me. "Or is it that you're scared of the Snatchers, too?"


"Some dumb thing that Connor read about on the internet," Celia, sitting in a corner of the classroom and flipping through a book, spoke up absently. "He keeps telling Sophie it's real because she's stupid enough to believe it."

"Screw you! I'm not stupid!"

Celia smiled, glancing up from her book to peer at Sophie over the rims of her glasses.

"Then what's gotten your panties in such a twist?"


Sophie grabbed the nearest object--my biology book, unfortunately--and threw it across the room at Celia, missing by a large margin.

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