6. Case 3964

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CASE 3864By chris_hartley

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CASE 3864
By chris_hartley

Strange dreams plague an isolated asylum, and things are not as they seem. Josiah Warren, a doctor at the facility, must try to figure out the reasons behind the strange reoccurring nightmares that happen at 3 AM, and the only documentation of these incidents are a cryptic series of emails.

 Josiah Warren, a doctor at the facility, must try to figure out the reasons behind the strange reoccurring nightmares that happen at 3 AM, and the only documentation of these incidents are a cryptic series of emails

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(What you are about to read is the only available piece of evidence for FBI unsolved case #3964. This is a series of emails describing what happened concerning the mass murder at Blackgate Asylum. It is the only account found. There were no survivors.)


From: JosiahWarren@████.com

September 8,2013

6:39 PM

Hello, Aaron. Its certainly been a long time, hasn't it? I just thought I'd greet my old coworker again and see how you've been doing. How's work been?  I don't know what the Agency told you about my retirement, so I'll fill you in now. I wasn't fired like you may think after the incident. I just decided I was just getting too old for this kind of psychological research, and the incident proved that theory. I got hired as one of the head doctors at [REDACTED] Medical Center, basically a mental health asylum. I mean, we all know that's what they wanted to call it. But yeah, I'm working with patients with various mental ilnesse and its actually been a very interesting job. Things haven't been very busy here, so I guess that's why I'm emailing you. By the way, how's Mandy and the kids? And how've you been, my old friend?


To: JosiahWarren@████.com

September 9, 2013

8:37 AM

Well, Josiah. Honestly I never thought I'd hear from YOU again. All of us here thought you got kicked out or killed after what happened. I'm glad that you're alright, old friend. I was worried about you.

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