5. Crescent Mound

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CRESCENT MOUNDBy _angelikamaria

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By _angelikamaria

In Crescent Mound, each month a kid disappears over night. Alfie McClane and his friends unveil the horrible events of the past year, when they are out trick-or-treating.

 Alfie McClane and his friends unveil the horrible events of the past year, when they are out trick-or-treating

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Alfie McClane was afraid of nothing. Fear was stupid; it made you weak. He liked to call himself fearless, and brave. Not many kids of his school were like this, but he surely was. That was why he—this night as Spiderman himself—led his friends from house to house, knocking on various doors, and shouted the loudest, "Trick or treat!"

He also got the most candy. No one dared to tangle with him. The other children were not stupid. They knew as long as they did as he said they could be his friends. Messing with him was foolish; that Richie Shepherd knew best.

Right when Alfie and his friends left the courtyard of a beautiful, but spookily decorated suburban house, Theodore asked, "Why do we go back? There's one more house in this street."

Immediately, the boys turned quiet. Alfie, who reached the pavement first, turned around to face Theodore. "There's only the haunted house left."

Theodore flicked his candy bag over his shoulder, and a crooked smirk grew on his face. "Afraid?"

Alfie scoffed and put his arms akimbo. "There's no point in going up there. Everyone knows it's uninhabited."

John, who was also called Hamster because of the remaining baby fat on his cheeks, tilted his head and said mockingly, "Why don't we go knock on the door, then?"

"It's almost midnight, that's why," Little Wesley said and tugged on Alfie's sleeve. "Let's go home. The haunted house is scary."

"It's not scary," Alfie scoffed and withdrew his arm from Little Wesley's grip. "Yeah, let's knock on the door. Or are you too afraid?"

Again, the boys silenced, looking at each other. Little Wesley clearly was frightened, as he always was. John and Theodore gazed at one another before shaking their heads. "No," Theodore said, "of course not. The first one to knock at the door gets all the candy."

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