2. Walk Ye Little Gentlemen

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By Lyssagirl7686

Runa Fairfax was just your average, every day veterinarian whose biggest worry was whether or not she could save the life of an animal in need. Now, her life and that of her friends hangs in the balance against a force none of them were prepared for. Will they be able to escape the unexplainable paranormal? Or will they walk into the beyond, like so many others before them?

"This is the last one for tonight, boy," Runa Fairfax chuckled, setting a dog treat on the floor and watching her jack russell terrier as he snatched it into his mouth

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"This is the last one for tonight, boy," Runa Fairfax chuckled, setting a dog treat on the floor and watching her jack russell terrier as he snatched it into his mouth.

His chocolate colored ears flopped sporadically as he ran around the corner of her office and disappeared into the darkening hallway.

Runa sighed as she leaned into her laptop. "I don't understand why these numbers aren't adding up. I've checked over them at least a dozen times, yet they still manage to screw themselves over when I look into the compounded medications and vaccinations. This never happens in December... I've no idea what's wrong with my math skills today..."

A growl welled up in her throat as she dropped her head onto her arms. The familiar clicking of nails interrupted her thoughts as a rough, velvety heat abraded her right ankle.

The lapping continued until she opened her right eye and peered down at the suspected rascal. His bright brown eyes shone up at her while he pushed his chew toy against the worn out bottoms of her scrubs.

"Sean, not now." Sharp, persistent squeaks started shortly after her words and Runa gritted her teeth. "Sean, I'm serious. I'm busy."

She groaned before leaning out into the hallway and tossing the toy at a potted plant. Sean sprinted from the office as Runa moved back towards her desk, situating herself in her chair when his sharp barks rang out through the empty building.

"Oh for goodness sakes, Sean--" She stood up and wiped off the white hairs that clung to her jacket when Sean's barks abruptly cut off, disappearing into the cool, stark embrace of silence.

"Sean?" Her breath rushed out of her in short spurts, her heart pounding in her ears as she started to lean out of the doorway. "Sean, are you okay, boy?"

She walked cautiously towards the front desk, her eyes adjusting to her surroundings when a voice screamed, "Runa!"

Shrieking, she tripped over her white washed jacket and fell to the floor, swearing vividly as she went. With her hand at her chest, she scowled as the door to the animal hospital opened with a chirp.

A flash of black hair and hazel colored eyes, along with another idiot, made her bite her tongue as she was helped to her feet, followed by numerous rounds of laughter.

"What in the sweet name of all that is holy are you morons doing here?!" Runa gasped out. "I told you I was going to be working past my regular hours tonight and not to wait up for me!"

A hand collided with her back as a shaggy head of bangs appeared next to her. "Awe, lighten up, Runa. We just wanted to make sure you weren't wasting away in this dump when you could be out partying with us instead! Anyways, its only 12:30, the perfect time for letting loose and enjoying life while we still have it."

"I've already told you this, but this place isn't a dump. And partying just isn't my thing, Endre," she said, rolling her eyes, "Besides, where's Mauri?" She stepped away from his hand and made her way back to the office.

"He's at his mom's place for the weekend. Some crap about spending more time with her before she hits the can." Endre droned on before he broke out into a grin and started laughing. "I'm just kidding with you, he's there to talk to her about some job he got last weekend."

"That's why we brought the party to you!" One of the girls shouted, lifting up a wicker basket with a not-so-discreetly placed bottle of wine sticking out of the top.

Runa scoffed as her friends followed, sitting back and glaring at her laptop. "You're incorrigible, Senja, honestly. What kind of example are you setting for Silja?"

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