15. Bring It To Me

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BRING IT TO MEBy SedativeInk9

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By SedativeInk9

Tyler and his family moved into their new home and have been experiencing some strange occurrences. One night he wakes up from a loud scream to find his parents missing. Will Tyler survive the night and save them?

An ear-piercing scream echoed throughout the house causing Tyler to shoot up from his bed in a panic

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An ear-piercing scream echoed throughout the house causing Tyler to shoot up from his bed in a panic. Before he could gain full consciousness the screaming stopped. It was pitch black in Tyler's bedroom. The only source of light was from his digital alarm clock beside his bed on the night stand. The red numbers flashed '1:35 AM'.

Tyler wasn't sure what he had just heard. It sounded like the muffled screams of a woman. Was it just a dream? It was strange that it ended as soon as he woke up. Ever since he and his parents moved into their new home there had been a lot of strange occurrences, especially in the late hours of the night. Random knocks, doors creaking open, faint footsteps and one time he swears he saw a woman in the hallway.

His eyes scanned the darkness but failed to see much, other than the little area his alarm clock illuminated. Tyler laid his head back down on his pillow and listened intently to his surroundings. Not a single creek or bump, just dead silence. He laid in the unsettling silence for what felt like forever before rolling over on his side to get more comfortable.

The clock was still flashing '1:35 AM'. I've definitely been up for a few minutes. Is this thing broken again? Tyler sat up and grabbed his clock and started pressing the buttons on top, but it was unresponsive. Out of frustration he smacked the front of it, hoping that would cause it to start acting right, but that also yielded no results.

Tyler grasped the cord connected to the back of the clock and started following it to the wall, planning to unplug it. Let's see if this works. As his hand slid down the cord, he started to realize that he wasn't getting any closer to the outlet it was supposed to be plugged into. Confused he started yanking on the cord to see where it led. He heard it rattling on the hardwood floor behind his nightstand. He finally got to the end of the cord and examined it. It wasn't plugged in.

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