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KC: when are you going to talk to me?
KC: you can't keep ignoring me forever
KC: we work together you know

TH: i know. I just havent gotten around to it

KC: havent gotten around to talking to your girlfriend??
KC: ive been trying to figure this out but all you do is push me away. you were the one who wanted to talk about this in the first place.
KC: you weren't busy last night or the day before, you've been avoiding me and i just want to know why
KC: i know how messed up this is that matts here but i dont understand what i did for you to be mad at me for it

TH: im not mad at you katy

KC: then why did it take so long for you to talk to me? I know how difficult or confused you must've felt but why couldn't you take the time to talk to me about it?
KC: we couldve fixed this sooner

TH: i know i just needed some time to think okay? Thats all. I didnt mean to push you away i was just trying to figure things out

KC: do you have your thoughts gathered now? I really want to talk this through

TH: i still need time to think about all of this

KC: how much longer do you think?

TH: i dont know. but i think we should lay low for a while.

KC: i dont understand?
KC: can we please talk about this in person?

TH: i cant right now
TH: ill see you later at work
READ 9:30 PM



harrison sent a message to groupchat
"holy trinity"
Today at 1:28 PM

harrison: okay clearly we're gonna have to take this to the groupchat and since toms not going to, I guess I have to

jacob: I'm lost.

tom: leave it alone Harrison

harrison: no I'm not going to leave it alone, because you're probably about to ruin the best thing to ever happen in your life because you're being a fucking div

jacob: still lost guys. Mind helping a guy out??

tom: you don't know the half of what's going on so just stay out of it. I can handle this on my own


harrison: so telling Katy that you don't want to talk about your problems and going straight to "let's break up" is your way of handling things?

jacob: ok so since NO ONE is going to tell me what's going on, I'm just going to infer from the texts that something has gone wrong between Kate and Tom??

tom: I didn't break up with her! Where the hell did you get that from?

jacob: dont ask me for help if you're not gonna catch a guy up !

harrison: katy! she's fucking bawling her eyes out because of you

tom: she's misunderstood me bc I didn't say I wanted to break up with her I just said that we should lay low for awhile

jacob: oh tom. I have no idea what's going on and that sounds like a breakup to me

harrison: ^ see?

tom: well what the fuck then?

harrison: you have to fix this. I know about how she was when you guys broke up the first time and I remember how you were, and nothing is going to end well for either of you unless you fix this mess you're in

jacob: you already got the girl tom. now you gotta make sure you keep her

tom: how am I supposed to do that Matt Westerdick is always around

harrison: stop worrying about him! Katy's made it clear she doesn't like him, and he hasn't shown any signs of trying to get her so just move on and forget about him

tom: he just makes my blood boil sometimes. It's like he knows doing nothing will get under my skin

jacob: wow. that's hatred at its finest. never thought I'd see that in you tom

tom: trust me when you get here, you'll feel it too

harrison: whatever. He doesn't matter right now, only Katy does.

jacob: you know what you have to do now it's not like you haven't done like a million times before or anything

harrison: you gotta get your girl back


Hey guys I'm back from the dead

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