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"A beach day sounds nice, don't you think?" Kate asked Tom as they went over their agenda for the day. Yesterday, they had gone to see the leaning tower of Pisa, along with other tourist attractions, and gotten fresh pasta, tomatoes and wheels of cheese from the farmer's market, which they cooked and made dinner with. Today, they were going to the beach and soaking up the sun before going out to an authentic Italian restaurant to eat.

Nodding his head in agreement, Tom began packing all of the necessities they needed for their trip. "Yeah, they go nude on their beaches here in Italy, right?"

Kate's jaw dropped in disbelief at the words Tom had uttered from his mouth and she gasped. She looked over at him while he laughed at his own joke and her reaction. "You have been extra cheeky lately, what the hell is going on?"

"Must be something about the person I've been spending so much time with." He replied, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek while she still sat frozen in shock, unable to shake his words from earlier off. He grinned brazenly. "Now are you going to change into your bathing suit or are you going to take what I said before seriously?"

Jumping off the bed and plucking her swimsuit from her suitcase, Kate bounded towards the bathroom. "I'm taking the swimsuit." As she closed the door behind her, she added, "And don't look so sad." She chuckled to herself, imagining his expression and disappointment in her mind.

Once she finished changing, she exited the bathroom wearing a loose tank top and denim shorts over her bikini. Tom was already changed into his trunks, with a plain t-shirt on and his hat and sunglasses ready to wear. Kate had a pair of her own sunglasses to wear, which she quickly put on.

"All packed and ready to go." He said, lifting up their beach bag full of towels and sunblock and everything else they needed.

Grabbing his hand and jumping with excitement, Katy squealed and pulled him out the door. "Beach!" She exclaimed, unable to contain herself.

They walked hand in hand down the cobblestone streets. Luckily, where they were staying wasn't too far from the nearest shoreline so they could walk no problem, the only issue was that this beach was public, and on a beautiful day like today, there was bound to be a crowd. The last thing they needed was someone recognizing them and ruining their day by alerting the media. Don't get her wrong, she loved her fans so much, of course she did, she owed them for allowing her to have everything good in her life. But she wished she could trust them not to say anything when it came to the things she didn't want spreading.

Suddenly, the beach didn't sound so rousing. All the holes in their plan started surfacing and Kate found herself dwelling on them far too much. Would Tom be able to tell that she was getting nervous by her perspiring palms? Stay calm. Stop thinking the whole world is going to end whenever you step out into public. They could always find a secluded spot that was away from everyone else, Kate supposed, but then again, that was just something she came up with just now to calm herself down.

As they neared toward the beach, Kate could see that there was quite a bit of people there. Not as much as there could be but still a little bit too many. She couldn't be picky though, she just needed to focus on herself and Tom, of course. They passed by a wooden sign standing next to the sidewalk and Tom pointed to it and said, "I wonder if that says 'bathing suits optional' in Italian."

"You really gotta stop with the nude beaches thing." Kate sighed, shaking her head at him. "Even if it was, I'd never do it."

Squeezing her hand in his, Tom laughed. "I know, but you can't blame me for trying, though."

"Oh, you might be surprised." Kate replied with a scoff.

The two looked for a place to set their towels down, and found an empty area that was distanced from the other beach goers. No one seemed to be paying attention to them, so that was good. Now they just had to keep it that way.

Spreading their towels out on the hot sand, Tom started by slipping his shirt over his head and taking his hat off, leaving him with only his sunglasses on. Kate soon followed after him and stripped down to her bikini. "Should we start by testing the waters first? I'm absolutely roasting in this heat." Tom said, his skin already damp with sweat.

"Sure, but first, sunscreen." Kate told him, picking up the bottle and waving it at him.

Tom groaned in response. "You're like my mum." But he still stood in front of her and let her apply the protectant on his back without another complaint.

"Come on, I liked the tomato sauce you made last night but I'd hate to see you match it by getting a burn." She applied some of the sunscreen to his cheeks and smiled as she sandwiched his face between her hands. "There, now my turn."

She turned away from him so he could rub the lotion on her back. The coolness of the substance felt nice on her skin under the heat of the sun. It felt even better to have Tom massaging her shoulders as he made sure to rub the sunscreen in completely. "I wish every day could be like this." Tom's voice spoke in her ear. She nodded in agreement and closed her eyes before she imagined it in her head. Perhaps when they were older and retired. Right now, they were still young and the possibilities were endless. There was no telling what things they would be doing in 30 years.

"That would be amazing." Kate whispered to him and they smiled at each other. Once they were finally done, they both stood up and began to walk side by side toward the water.

Dipping her toes in first, it felt like the perfect temperature to take a swim in. She gradually submerged herself into the water until she was waist deep before turning onto her back and floating on the surface. Underneath her body, was the cool ocean water keeping her at bay, above her, was the sun which fanned over her skin and warmed her.

They were a couple yards away from shore, just close enough to the shallow end, but far enough to get some alone time. Kate finally lifted her head up and started treading in the water. She saw that Tom was floating in the water similarly to how she had been, and swam over to him. She splashed him with a huge wave of water, disrupting his serenity and giggling as his eyes sprung open. He spotted her laughing and smiled, wading over to her, he snatched her up and held her in his arms, threatening to dunk her under the surface.

The smiles on their faces were incomparable to any one else on that beach. It was strange to have such large shifts in their lives so often; one minute they were spending their weeks working on set and barely having time for anything else, the next, they were floating in the ocean without a care in the world. It was a nice change for once.

Kate and Tom would much rather prefer the beach.


This is random but I thoroughly enjoy reading the comments to my tom holland books, especially when they are laughing at my jokes so I actually feel funny

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