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Tom didn't know how long he had been sitting outside Katy's hotel room door for. However long it was, all he knew was that he had suffered from multiple occurrences of embarrassment from other customers of the hotel, and he knew that he didn't really even care about it. If sitting outside Katy's room showed her how serious he was about this, then it was worth it.

When he had seen that she had read text and sent her his second apology of the night, Tom couldn't help but call her on his phone just to see if he could get her to answer. As he waited for her to pick up, Tom could hear the faint sound of ringing from inside her room. It was quiet, but loud enough for him to realize that she was indeed inside. He ended the call and knocked on the door. "I know you're in there, Katy."

Katy made her footsteps as quiet as possible as she stepped toward the door. She pondered on whether or not she should open it. Why can't I just do it? She asked herself. It was like no matter how many times she told herself to just pick up her phone and reply or tell Tom what was really on her mind, her body did the opposite, showing how far she truly was from being the brave superhero character that she played in her movies. She was apprehensive, she was wimpy and weak. There was a creak from the wood under her foot as she took another step, making Katy freeze where she stood. She waited for a moment to see if Tom would say anything else. All she heard next was the sound of him sigh, and lean against the door.

"I guess if you hear this, you hear it, and if you don't, then that's that." He said. Katy stood so that her ear was pressed against the surface of the door, allowing her to listen to Tom more clearly. "I think I might go crazy if I lose you again. The first time was hard enough. Christ, I was a mess. I had about two or three movies to film for, and I could not function for any of them. And it's funny, because when we broke up, I told you that I needed to focus on my work and that you needed to do the same. But after that, I couldn't do a single thing without you being on my mind." His voice was quiet. Katy could barely hear him through the door.

There was a tight feeling in her chest as she waited for Tom to say more. She felt that it was her turn to say something, but she couldn't put her feelings to words, not in the way that Tom was. He made it look so easy, but for Tom, it was like the words coming out of his mouth were just running out without thought.

"So, I guess this would be the part where I finally open the door and tell you I'm sorry, too, and we make up?" Tom was quiet for a moment, not quite sure how to answer and without waiting for him to, Katy opened the door separating them anyways and was met with Tom standing in front of her. Their eyes locked on each other and the faintest smiles reached both of their faces, lips curling up at the corners and their expressions full of love and forgiveness.

Not wasting another moment, they wrapped their arms around each other to pull them into a hug. They both squeezed the other so tightly, they could swear they were going to burst. "I missed you." Tom muttered in Katy's ear as she rested her cheek on his shoulder.

"I missed you, too."

Powerful [TOM HOLLAND 2] [DISCONT.]Where stories live. Discover now