How To Tell If It's True

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The following week while sitting under the hair dryer at the hairdresser, I was reading a magazine when I came across a Q and A column and a letter from a mother who had just found out that her son liked dressing up in woman's clothes. She was bewildered and quite distraught over it.

I read it right through, and then pondered it for a bit, before reading it again. I hadn't even considered Raymond could be the culprit, but all the while as I read this mom's letter, I began wondering if Raymond could be the same as this woman's son?

I mulled it over and decided that would be silly, because he's not gay. If he were gay I would know by now, I told myself, but then, the mom in the story said that her son wasn't gay either.

The more I thought about it, the more puzzled I became. He was a boy, why would he want to be a woman or even dress up as one?

I decided trying to sort it all out by myself was no use. I had to find out, and woe be it unto Raymond if it was him sneaking around, going through our drawers and closets and "borrowing our clothes." I would have to teach him a lesson.

As soon as I left the salon I phoned Rachel," Hey, are you busy? Can you come meet me at the coffee shop now? We need to talk."

When Rachel arrived, we ordered drinks and as soon as we sat down, I just blurted it out, "Rachel I think it's your brother who's been getting into your drawers and messing with your clothes."

I had taken the page out of the magazine from the salon and I showed her the article.

She went red in the face, "If that little sissy has been wearing my clothes, I will murder him," she blurted out in anger.

"I'm not sure, I have no real proof yet, but with what you told me and this article, some things are starting to add up. Look, you're not the only one to have items of clothes misplaced, over the past couple of weeks, I lost several pairs of my stockings, and when they were returned they were all stretched like they had recently been worn. A pair of them were also torn . . . I hate to think it's him, I mean, Raymond, a sissy? What would everyone think. What would his dad think if he were here?"

"What can we do then, Mom? How can we find out for sure if it's Raymond or not," Rachel asked.

"Well I thought about this a lot while getting my hair done, and I've decided what we are going to do is place a video camera in his room, a small, hidden one like those motion triggered, nanny cams everyone gets to check up on their babysitter. Then we'll tell him we're going out for the day . . . say, shopping. When we come back, we can check it and see if anything has happened. If it hasn't, then we'll try a second time. If there's still nothing, then I'd say there's no problem, and we can position the camera in your room till it happens again. If it is Raymond then you and I will teach him a lesson he will never forget, what do you think, Rach?"

"A brilliant idea mom, then we can be sure one way or the other and I like the idea of teaching him a lesson."

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