Something's Not Adding up

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One day recently, Rachel came to me and said she needed to speak with me about something she found rather odd.

I was just about ready to head out the door, but she had piqued my interest and so of course, I had to know.

"Yes?" I asked.

She began, "Mom I don't know what's going on, and I'm not blaming anyone personally, but things in my drawers keep disappearing and then later reappearing again, but not folded the same or in the right place."

"What do you mean, and how long has this been going on for," I inquired.

"It's been going on for a while. At first, it was only small things. Like, it started with me finding a pair of hose with a run down one leg."

"Torn hose? Are you sure you didn't just put them away like that?"

"Yeah mom, I have a thing about not putting torn hose back in my drawer. If they're torn I always throw them out. Here's the thing, last night makes the third torn pair of hose I've found.

"Up until about a month ago it was nothing major, a pair of panties, or a bra missing for a few days then showing back up folded wrong, but recently it's becoming quite regular and the items of clothing have been getting bigger; skirts, tee-shirts, shorts. Then, last week I started noticing dresses hung up wrong as if the person didn't know how to hang a dress up properly. I'm very particular about how I put things away so as to avoid wrinkles, you know that."

"That's true."

"I don't think it could be one of Raymond's friends, cause they aren't here much, hardly ever, but who else could it be. I really don't suspect any of my friends either, but somebody is doing it. I don't want to accuse anybody without proof. What do I do?"

"Leave it to me and let me think about how to deal with it," I responded.

To be honest, I wasn't even sure what to do or where to start. So, I headed out and it stayed on my mind. That night, I slept on it.

The next morning as I started to think about it, my first thoughts were that it may have been one of the boys getting his thrills with her stuff, but the more I thought about them, as I knew them all well, it didn't fit or even sound right so I let that thought go for now.

My next thought was the girls, but again I knew the girls and their families, and I knew that if any of the girls wanted anything, their parents had the money and would buy it for them with no problem, or Rachel would have lent it to them willingly, and they know this.

I was puzzled. Who or why would anybody be doing this? It had me totally stumped.

torn hose: a mother's story Where stories live. Discover now