Mind Your Manners

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I paused for a moment to allow the thought of extreme humiliation from what I had just told him about pantyhose lessons to sink in. At this moment, he no doubt thought this would be his only punishment.

"Do you think the punishment for this is too extreme?"

He meekly shook his head, no.

I continued.

"But, that's not all . . . Oh, no. Since you apparently like dressing up as a girl, your sister and I have decided, starting today, this afternoon and for the rest of summer break all the way up until the night before school begins in the fall, you will dress, act and be treated like a young lady."

"Wow, mom," Rachel exclaimed." I thought you said two we---"

I cut her off, continuing to explain the punishment. "You will be expected to exhibit only feminine mannerisms, a feminine personality, and express only feminine interests. You will be further punished when you don't. You will answer only to the name of-"

"Candice," Rachel filled in when I paused.

I then continued, "The name Raymond will not be uttered by any of us for the rest of the summer. If by some off chance Rachel or I slip up and use that name, you will not answer or react to it in anyway other than to maybe ask who's that, comment that you don't know anyone by that name, and correct us with Candice."

It was at this point he began to find his voice and he started to protest, "But . . . wa-what will my friends think when they see me . . . a-all dressed up?"

Rachel cut in. "Friends? What friends? You don't have any friends. You spend all your time here in the house playing video games, or dressing up, and well, whatever it is you do while you're dressed up."

"Um, there's Brad, and Ritchie."

"Yeah, but they rarely ever come over," Rachel added. "And when they do y'all keep your attention glued to the games. It's like y'all barely know each other. I imagine one of them could come over, play games, and leave without even realizing anything was out of place. That's how much attention you all pay each other."

"So, they're still my friends and you're wrong. I'd die if they ever found out."

Smiling, I replied, "Well sweetheart, if you are a quick learner and you do a good job of convincing everyone you are a girl, hopefully, if the see you outside the house they won't have a clue, won't suspect it's you, and their only thoughts will be focused on how pretty and attractive they find you and how they would like to ask you out on a date, or would like to make out with you. If not, then . . . well . . ."

I paused for a second, before continuing, "Well, we won't go there, but it could be quite embarrassing for you or possibly worse. But, if you follow our guidance and do everything as we instruct you to, you won't have to worry about that. That's not going to be an issue, is it?"

I had asked another question but again I didn't wait for an answer as I was not actually looking for one, only making a statement.

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