Hidden Camera Secrets

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When we arrived home around four, from shopping, everything seemed normal. Raymond, as usual, was on his video games.

"How was your day," I asked him. "Did you do anything interesting while we were out?"

"No, just been playing games," he answered nonchalantly, while keeping his attention focused on the video game on the TV.

I smiled and headed upstairs to my bedroom.

Hearing Rachel come in from the car with our bags, I shouted down the stairs for her to come on up, "I'm in the bedroom sweetheart.  I want you  to try that one dress on."

"Coming mom," she replied, giving Raymond a sly smile, which he missed.

Rachel placed the bags on one side of the bed then took a seat next to me on the other side. I pulled the camera app up on my phone and started a video. I knew what was on it, but had kept it from Rachel until now.

We sat in complete silence and fascination, as we watched Raymond go into Rachel 's room. The time stamp on the video showed it to be only eight minutes after we had pulled out of the driveway.

Rachel noticed. "Mom, at lunch, you said you hadn't seen anything."

"I know," I replied with a mischievous grin. "Just watch."

Entering Rachel's room on the video, Raymond headed straight for her drawers with a familiarity like it was his own room. He knew exactly which drawer to open and straight away he pulled out a pair of pink bikini-cut panties with a matching pink bra.

Rachel noticed the same thing I had earlier and said, "did you see how he didn't have to search for the right drawer? He knew exactly where to go."

Luckily for us, he had his back to the camera when he stripped down naked and pulled on the panties. He even did his bra up in the back with a practiced ease of someone who had done this many times before.

He went out of the bedroom, only to return a couple minutes later with a pair of black hose and blue shoes.

"Mom, those are yours," Rachel announced.

I nodded in agreement.

Raymond then went over to Rachel's closet where he immediately pulled out a blue dress that matched the blue shoes.

It surprised me that he knew exactly what he wanted to put on, as evidenced by the fact that he didn't have to search for a matching pair of shoes once he picked out a dress. He already knew exactly what dress he was going to put on and that it matched shoes in my room.

What stunned us the most though, was that he put it all on with such familiar ease. There was no hesitation doing anything including the lack of a struggle when he zipped up the back zipper of the dress.

He combed his hair back, in an effort to make it more feminine, and applied some of Rachel's lipstick and eyeshadow to his face. He then, with shoes in hand, walked out and the recording ended after a couple minutes of no motion.

"OMG, mom."

"Just wait, there's more," I told her while loading a recording from four minutes later that showed him walking across Rachel's room in my heels without much difficulty at all.

For the next twenty minutes he went in and out of Rachel's room just acting like a normal girl, it was frightening, shocking, and we could not understand what was going on or why he was doing it.

After that he disappeared and the timestamp on the next recording was three hours later. In that video Raymond changed back into his own clothes. He had remained dressed for a little over three hours. He must have gone to the living room and played video games.

I closed the app and shut off my phone screen. we just looked at each other; neither of us knew what to say. We had suspected this, but now that we knew for sure it was actually Raymond, we were in shock.

First thing the next morning, I got online to do some research. I had to find out what was happening with my son. Did he want to become a girl or what?

I had a conversation with Rachel later that day, and we spoke very frankly about it with each other. I explained what I had read online and she explained what conclusions she had come to from thinking about the pattern of when and how her clothes would disappear and reappear.

We ended up coming to the conclusion that he only did it occasionally and not all the time. It seemed he only did it when he wanted to, and when he had enough, he stopped.

If he had done it all the time we would have been inclined to think he really wanted to be a girl but that didn't appear to be the case. Therefore, we decided if he was made to dress and be treated as a girl twenty-four hours a day for a while, maybe it might humiliate enough to help him want to stop.

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