What Does It Feel Like

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That evening after returning from swimsuit shopping, I called Rachel into my room while Candice was soaking in the tub with a bath bomb she insisted on buying while we were out.

I asked Rachel what was happening to Candice. Since the two of them were becoming so (sisterly) close, I hoped she might know something I didn't.

She responded with, "Well mom, Candi is becoming more and more of a sister to me every day. You know how we spend two to three hours a day, in my room, doing hair and makeup? Well, in addition to all the questions she asks about how to do this or that, we also talk about stuff, lots of stuff, stuff guy don't talk about. And when we do, I don't feel like Raymond is there at all, only a younger sister who is genuinely curious about everything her older sister can teach her."


"Yeah, this morning's conversation even included questions about boys."


"Uh huh. She asked me what it feels like to know boys are looking at you because they find you attractive."

My jaw dropped.

"Yeah, I asked her if she wanted boys to look at her like that and she got quiet, then changed the subject."

I sat there in shock as I listened to what Rachel was saying. I didn't respond and she continued.

"As sisters, we just get along so well. It's unbelievable. When you first presented your idea, I never expected anything like this to happen. You know she's learned to do her own make-up and hair to the point that I'm not the one doing it for her anymore."

"Wait, her makeup today was all her work? You're kidding."

"No, mom, seriously, I mainly just watch and give her pointers. In fact, everything a girl learns to do naturally, she's picking up very quickly. She's totally at ease being a girl."

"I'm noticing that."

"You know what I think, mom?"

"What's that?"

"I think she may be living out her dream. This very well my be what she's wanted all along. What do you think?"

"If I was to be honest, these past weeks have been fun, and strange, but very interesting. We've all been shopping together, out to restaurants, attended a figure skating competition, joined a yoga class, bought bathing suits together, had living room fashion shows, sunbathed in the backyard, we're about to take this trip, and through every experience I've been really proud of having two daughters with me. I think very soon the three of us need to sit down and have a serious talk about what's happening and what the future may hold."

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