It's me.

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Listen to my story.
I'm writing under music effect, because I'm kinda empty and music gives me another soul.
In the corner I always set, watching the life goes on, watching the people living, with my cold confused eyes keep staring in silence.
I was running from the world in a song or a book, and between a song and book there's me lost in space, fading away with the time till I realized that i want to run from myself.
Who am i? What's inside me?! I don't know and I don't to see what's inside me, I am a puzzle
I can't love, I can't keep a relationship going on, i can't sing, but i sing inside my brain, I can't play piano but i do in my imagination.
I am existing only in fiction world, A shadow in reality.
Oh my song is over! Thank you for reading my story and wasting your time, if you had saw someone like me please don't be tough with her/him, bye.

Untitled Part 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن