CHAPTER 3: Back To The Present

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Mine and Kassidy's two year wedding anniversary was coming up in another week and I was planning on her and I leaving for a getaway for a couple of weeks.

Then my Director calls me in and says he needs to talk with me this morning, ASAP!

Now, Kassidy doesn't know that I work for the FBI. In fact, I told her that I own my own business and she has thus far been suspicious.

I know I should tell her what I really do. However, I can't because of obvious reasons.

After arriving to the Bereau, I headed into our Director's office.

"You wanted to see me, Sir?" I asked as I closed the door behind me.

"Take a seat." He says to me while continuing to look on his computer for a few seconds longer.

I take a seat in the chair across from his desk and wonder what's going on.

"I'm just gonna cut right to the chase. Your wife Kassidy is an Assassin/Mercenary." He says with a straight face.

Well, that was random. I look at him in disbelief. Is this some kind of a joke?

"I'm sorry, what? Is this some kind of a joke?" I ask him.

"No." He says as he picks up and tosses a folder across the desk towards me. "See for yourself."

I grab the folder, open it up and look at the pictures and begin scanning over what all it says. Though I'm still in disbelief.

"Sir, this can't be the Zoe that we have not been able to get for years. This can't be MY Kassidy. The names don't even match." I point out.

"Look. I know it's hard to grasp. I was surprised also. But it's her. She works for Charles and was his 'go-to' girl for years.  Not to mention, she's the only person that can help us take him down." My director looks at me with a look of a little bit of guilt. Then again, we've always thought of each other as father and son.

"Sir. I don't understand. Are you wanting to arrest my wife?" I asked while trying to not only hide the pain I began feeling and the worry, but the anger for the accusation.

"Son, I need you to listen very carefully to me. I know this is hard. But you need to separate from looking at her as your wife right now. You need to look at her as a fugitive. Think about also the impact this could have on your career." He tells me.

I couldn't believe what all he was telling me. Yeah, go against my wife who is supposedly this dangerous criminal? My wife wouldn't hurt anyone or anything. I close the folder and toss it onto the desk.

"With all do respect, Sir. I can't and WON'T bring her in like some criminal. I mean, she doesn't fit the profile." I tell him.

He let's out a breath before speaking.

"Listen. Right now, we are the ONLY ones who know where she's at and believe me, it wont be too long until the CIA and others find out, take her, torture her, throw her in prison, or worse. Especially if Charles finds her. What we have here, now, is a chance to take down someone nobody has been able to and in return, because I care for the both of you, I will make her a deal." He explains.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I am offering her a pardon, if you will. I am willing to wipe her record clean and allow her to start a whole new life again, with you if she chooses." He says.

"I don't believe this. I mean, even if I did decide to go along with this, how?" I ask.

"I'll give you a few days to bring her in yourself. That way you don't even have to tell her what's happening and you don't become the bad guy necessarily. However, if you don't, we will have to come and get her ourselves. And believe me, I could get in a shit load of trouble with the offer I just gave you both." He mentions.

"But how would you get her to confess? I mean, she hasn't tried hurting me in any way or anything. So maybe she's no longer like that. If this is all even true." I said while still feeling a bit confused about everything and while trying to grasp what all was going on in the moment.

"Do you remember that night you both met? Before she stumbled through that parking lot?" He asks.

"Of course I do." I reply.

"She was sent there for a mission. Though quickly, after she arrived, she discovered that Charles had set her up and sent a few guys to kill her. After she was captured, they injected her with a formula that causes temporary memory loss. Though the side effects can sometimes turn to permanent. Luckily, they created another serum that counteracts with it, causing it to wear off and the memory begins returning. Though usually, it takes a while. We haven't found out what had caused Charles to want to do that. But if we can get her to remember him setting her up and doing that, then she would have to want to help us." He smiles.

I think for a moment if how not just crazy this still all sounds to me and the guilt I am feeling right now for even thinking for a second in going along with this plan and idea, I'm still unsure. Even if it's really this Zoe woman and she takes the deal then gets her memory back, what of she doesn't want me? What if she forgets all about us? Finally, I make a decision.

"Alright. So how exactly do we inject her with that stuff?" I ask him.

"You need to do as I just told you moments ago and then bring her in so we can talk to her, find out what we can about Charles, negotiate a deal with her and everybody lives happily ever after." He smirks.

None of this seemed real or made any sense to me still.

"Keep in mind, that even though I do prefer that you do help me with this, I also understand if you don't. Because when we question her, we may need to do things that could understandably become real  uncomfortable and unbearable to watch. Not to mention you once again, you must remember that you CANNOT let it get personal, if you do help us. Understand?"

"Yeah." I reply after thinking for a brief moment.

"Good. Now one more thing I want to mention, is that as long as you play by the rules too, I will let you be in charge of this operation." He tells me.

That does make me happy. But still, there's the part where I have to try and convince my wife, that I love. To come in and confess who she is. As I take another quick look through the folder of pictures and her information, I start to realize that I really have no other choice, but to believe all this.

Okay. I need to focus, I tell myself. So I put the folder back onto the desk and stand up and tell my Director that I will find a way to follow through with this whole thing, despite how hard it's going to be to do so.

How to you treat somebody you love like they are a criminal and just like any other assignment you have ever been given?!

My biggest fear though, is still that I am afraid she will not remember me. Which I don't know what I'll do if that happens.

Guess there's only one way to find out.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

By the way, Kassidy is Zoe. Kassidy is a name she ended up taking after coming to from her little accident when he found her and they fell in love with each other. However, her REAL name is Zoe. Sorry for any confusion but of course, she will soon be called her REAL name, Zoe so I have been using Zoe for the chapters from here on out so you can get used to it by the time she comes to finding out her name. She will be called just Zoe again real soon. :);)

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