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My head feels heavy and my face hurts, along with the wet feeling of blood dripping from my mouth down to the hard cold cemented ground where my bare feet are touching.

As I wince while trying to slowly lift my head as the pain inside feels a little worse with every movement, I try and open my eyes and quickly close them back as I notice a bright light that's hanging right above me, has just blinded me with its brightness.

My throat is a little dry, I'm thirsty, my mouth and nose is bleeding and I soon discover that I'm tied down to a chair, in some abandoned looking and dark cold place.

I start looking around and notice there are a few men, looks to be maybe eight guys, who are all standing in a circle around me, staring at me through their ski masks and I start noticing a muscular figure come walking towards me and grabs a chair then sets it down in front of me and takes a seat while leaning forward a little bit.

"You ready to talk?" He asks me.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Whoever you think I am, I'm not." I tell him for the hundredth time.

"You're making this harder than it needs to be." He says to me.

"I'm not a killer. I'm not an assassin/mercenary whatever you claim I am. I'm a regular person who's married to an amazing guy named Ray that I love. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that." I cry a little bit.

"Tsk tsk tsk. It's such a shame. I thought by now you would break or remember. But, looks like this might take a little while longer." The guy says while getting up and pushing his chair off to the side before giving a nod to one of the other guys and while he begins to back up, the next thing I feel is a really hard punch to the side of my face, then another, before I black out, yet again.

The abuse happens for another day. It wasn't until the third day, before torturing me some more, that I suddenly became someone else. I suddenly began remembering who I really was. And I wasn't a wife or a regular/normal person. I was Zoe, the best Assassin/Mercenary in the world.

In fact, during this day of torture and while trying to tie me up again to the chair, I suddenly couldn't help but grin at the thought of how these amateurs suck at not just tying, but the whole torture bit. Plus, what I was planning to do to them, would be something that will stay with them forever in knowing a woman kicked their ass.

Out of nowhere, the familiar male voice that spoke to me a couple of days ago, asked me what was so amusing.

"Well, for one, I am going to get out of these ropes. Then while your boys behind me try and tackle me to the ground, I would have already knocked you out and grabbed that bat in the corner behind you and start having fun of my own." I tell him.

He just looks at me with amusement on his face as though I won't be able to follow through.

At least, that's what he thought until the next thing happened, within a few minutes of me doing just as I said I would and hitting a man hard enough up against a wall to turn off the lights and break the light switch, causing a blackout in the room for only a brief moment. I continued doing what I did best.

Then as the emergency back up lights came on, the Director of the FBI, who I knew was watching the entire time, saw me with my hands pressed up against the two way mirror, staring where I know his eyes were. I was out of breath a little bit with the ropes that were around my wrists that I soon cut off with a knife, was hanging down. I know he is impressed yet, mostly shocked that all his men are on the ground.

I can tell that is his reaction because I have had more training than his men put together, OBVIOUSLY.

"Hello, Director. It's been a while." I grin at him, though all I see is my reflection and start wiping the blood off my lips and under my nose with the back of my hand.

Now, the real fun can begin.

First chapter will be coming up next as this scene will also return in a little more detail, later in the story. With a little more explanation. And how she got to that point. !! :)

I also appreciate your patience with this story, it took me a while in trying to revise it and continue it after FINALLY figuring out in what direction it was being taken to. So without further ado, here is the story, some revised parts and will be posting a chapter a day. Once again though, this is NOT the full version and you will get the full version after it is published in the book form like all the rest are. :);) Hope you like this one.

My Wife, The Mercenary/AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now