CHAPTER 16: This Is It.....Final Judgement

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Despite the sounds coming from both the yelling along with the roar once again from all the gunfire, we hear the last gunshot and everything goes silent.

Both Parker and I look at each other bewildered a little bit then once we hear a sinister chuckle coming from Charles who I can tell has been injured. That's when I knew it was over.

Parker and I walked out and sure enough, there he was sitting upright on the ground with his back up against the wall of a crate, holding his wound in his side while I notice he's seeping with blood through his hand and spits up blood.

I cautiously start to approach him as everybody else that isn't dead but still alive only injured from the FBI side are all looking at me.

When Charles looks at me, he grins and spits out some more blood.

"There's my girl." He tells me.

"I was never your girl. You have taken nearly everything good from my life since the day you murdered my parents." I tell him.

"Took you long enough to figure it out." He tells me as the whole room gasped in shock and I overheard Elroy say under his breath, 'what the fuck?!'

"You deserve to suffer. You deserve this slow and painful death while we all watch you bleed out until your final breath." I tell him with distaste.

"I taught you well." He struggles to say.

"The only thing you ever taught me was to make those who deserved it to suffer. So I guess in a way, yes." I tell him. "After today, you will become just another anonymous being who got what he deserved in the end." I tell him and then begin to back up then turn around to start walking back towards everyone, including Ray.

I don't get further than just a few steps when I hear him mumble something.

"It'll never be over for you. Rather I'm here or not, together we made some enemies. Enemies who know who you are and will always come after you and your family. You can change your name and your hair even, but we both know that won't do anything." He says. "Forever you will always be hunted."

I couldn't hear anymore of his empty threats. He's a huge manipulator but even if he's being honest, I'll be prepared and ready at all times. So to finally end this all, before he has a chance to say another word, I swiftly turn around and pull the trigger and shoot him a few times in the chest.

"I'm looking forward to it." I smirked.

Next when I turned back around and started heading back, everyone seemed to look at me surprised and shocked.

"Damn baby." Ray smiles.

"What? I couldn't take hearing anymore of his bullshit." I tell him with a wink.

Once everybody was taken out of shock, Vincent had ordered everyone to call certain people and to clean up this whole entire scene ASAP while Ray, Elroy and I started heading outside to check on Ashley.

She seemed to be doing really good and looked as though she had a lot of her strength and color back in her face.

"Aww, I missed the fun didn't I?" She asked sarcastically.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you all about it on our way back to the house." I promise her.

We next all then pile into a big SUV and Ray begins taking us back to the house.

********A Few Weeks Later********

After we all got rested up from our injuries and caught up on some long overdue, Ray and I were called into the office by the new Director of the FBI, Vincent.

They had originally offered the position to Ray but he turned it down and gave it to Vincent.

Neither Ray nor I knew what we were being called in for and to be honest, I thought that maybe Vincent may have not had the right to honor their Director's promise in helping me get a new identity and life.

After arriving at the office and he shuts the door behind him, we take a seat across from Vincent who has a great poker face if he's about to tell us good news.

"So what's the deal?" Ray asks as he holds my hand.

"The deal that our Director at the time had made with you, I tried to get an approval from the judge he supposedly talked to and turns out he never spoke with him or any of the others he should have. I myself have tried these past few weeks to convince the people in charge of the final decision and they have come to an agreement finally."
He says.

I swear that the suspense is killing me right now and I wish he'd just spit it out and give me the bad news already.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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