Chapter 14

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Annabella's P.O.V

"Do you really want to do this?" I asked Ryder.

He looked at me like if I had grown two heads.

Gabby stood behind us smirking while I was doing a happy dance in my head.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I'm going to do this, she deserves it, and I have had enough of her shit," Ryder said before turning and walking to the football field. Oooh It is on.

Two weeks ago when I told off Cindy, she kinda went on a mean streak. She even went as far as to say that Katy is milking this whole attempted rape thing. Jake would've been charged with murder if Ryder and Ashton didn't hold him back. Katy then came to me in tears and I put my foot down. Well not me, because I would've put Cindy in the hospital with a concussion, but I chose to tell Ryder instead who was furious. Where is which we come to now.

"He's gonna do it, he's gonna do it, HE'S GONNA DO IT," Gabby said in this overly excited tone.

"SHHHH!" I threw at her, trying to keep people's attention away from us. We really were an odd sight. A short girl with curly hair, A tall girl with short hair and even taller hottie making alot of noise as they made their way to the field

Her short legs trying to keep up with my long ones as we trampled behind Ryder. As we reached the field, heads turned, most likely because Ryder was causing a scene by pushing everyone out of the way.

"CINDY, WHERE ARE YOU?," He roared.

She looked up from her seat on the grass, where she was watching the cheerleaders train, mouth open like a fish out of water. Katy jumped at the ferocity in which he said it and stopped training for a bit then went quietly back to what she was doing. Cindy scrambled up hastily and ran over to him.

He lead her away to a good distance away from us but we still heard the yelling and her crying, whiny voice pleading.

"IT. IS. OVER," he said with finality in his tone after what seemed like forever and the whole field was rendered silent.

He came back over to us fuming and I patted him on the back while Gabby rubbed his hand trying to calm him down.

"I feel as if a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulder," He said shaking his head.

"What you did was for the best," Gabby offered with a slightly smirk on her face.

I looked back to see if Cindy was following us. She wasn't, but when I spotted her under the big beech tree by herself, she had a murderous look on her face and it was directed towards me. I raised my eyebrows, she glared even more and I just smirked in return.

I'd like to see her try. I'd put her through a door too.

We left him in the parking lot with Ashton who had a smirk on his face, that said he knew something we didn't. Gabby turned to me eyebrows raised, I shrugged my shoulders and I shook my head,

"It's probably nothing." I said once we were in the car racing away


Around seven, my parents left the house and Izzy with me because they were going to some Gala shit that my Mom's company was hosting and my Dad's Hospital was endorsing. I was making something for us for dinner when the bell rang, that annoying buzzing sound filling the air, making Izzy a bit restless. I placed Izzy in her high chair and I wiped my hands on the kitchen rag before answering the door. It was Ryder.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi," He replied.

"Why are you here?" I asked a bit unkindly.

"I really don't know," He answered.

"You don't know?" I retorted,"You live four blocks away from here and I see no car out front, so you're telling me that you just started walking and happened to end up at my house?"

"Geez you don't have to be so harsh," he replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay sorry dude," I finally said.

"I think I came here to talk," He replied.

"Talk? About what?" I asked.

"Everything," He replied. I raised my eyebrows and he gave me an "I don't even know gesture." I sighed and just let him in. I walked into the kitchen and he followed. Izzy looked up in wonder at the new face she was exposed to. He went over to her and tickled her. She laughed and He gently slid her out of her high chair and began to bounce her, which she seemed to like.

"Your sister is cute," He said after a while.

"How do you know she's my sister?" I asked.

"You both have the same eyes and smile," He replied.

"She could be my daughter," I offered.

"Yeah, well that too, but is she?" He asked nodding in agreement.

"Nope," I cheeked.

"Well then there we go," He said laughing.

I smiled at him and gave him her bottle to feed her. As he fed her, I prepared an extra plate to which he didn't reject. After he finished feeding her and burping her,(I was amazed at this point that he actually new how to do this stuff) I placed her in her play pen by the tv and we crashed on the couch with our bowls of chicken alfredo. Then and there I really got to examine him for the first time. The sharpness of his cheekbones, the pointedness of his nose, the crinkles by his eyes, the uneveness of his eyes, the greeness of his eyes, just his eyes in general are so mesmerizing.

"Where did you learn to cook?" He asked with a mouth full of pasta.

"I just watched my mom cook and the rest I picked up myself," I replied.

"You know we never got to have that time on thursday," Ryder said, setting his empty plate out. He could eat almost more than me

"I know, but when duty calls," I replied setting my bowl down.

"How do you manage corporate life?" He asked.

"I had to get used to it very fast and I have college to think about so yeah, it's good experience,"

"You're going to college? You are the heir to a multi-million empire and you're going to college?" He blurted out.

"Yes money really isn't everything. Well I plan to become a cancer doctor or a virologist, whichever one is appleaing to me later in life, start a foundation and a charity, build my own hospital here, then I couple aroungdthe world if I can, then just hold the fashion empire until Izzy gets old enough to run it, see I have it all planned out," I said.

"Wow, just wow, you have it all planned out, but what inspired you to make such decisions?" He asked solemly.

"I really want to give back to the people who really need it. Instead of just wasting my time away I want to have a meaningful life." I replied looking into the play pen. Izzy was fast asleep clutching her toy giraffe. We managed to talk for two hours, about everything really, how he really felt about Cindy and how he made me feel when he used to tease and taunt me. Eventually I forgave him and made a truce

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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