Chapter 1

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The world felt quite. The sun had gone to rest and the moon took its place.
Just like any other night, Kendall would be standing on her balcony looking at the city lights she love to watch the most.

Cool breeze caressed her cheeks as she took in a deep breathe before letting it out. The night was quite and it wasn't helping the emptiness within her and the sorrow she felt was killing her to the point that her heart felt painfully numb.

She close her eyes for a moment and decided to go inside her room. She grab her notebook and write her heart out. Kendall Woodsen is a writer. She published at least 4 books already and she is currently writing her last book. She promised that after writing her last book, she will finally let go of the past and start a new life.

She tightly grip the pen and let her hand do its work.

It was midnight when kendall heard a noise from her kitchen she shrug and think maybe it was just a cat. Minutes passed and the noise haven't gone fear envelope deep in her when she realize she doesn't have a cat and she live alone. She took a deep breath and got up from her bed slightly shaking.

Her knees are starting to tremble, heart beats faster and lips starting to pale. This scenario is familiar with her. She used to write this kind of scene where the girl end up dead. Her thoughts is not helping her to calm, instead making her nervous as hell.

She was about to open the kitchen's door when the noise stop. Cold sweat streaming on her forehead as she stood frozen. She was about to faint when suddenly, the door open and someone came out rushing to her. It happens too fast she found herself in the floor with a man above her. Her screams is loud as she realizes their position. She screams for help and push the stranger who is now fast asleep. "Did I hit him? Is he dead?" She said stuttering. She slowly got up despite of her weak knees. She stare at the man on the floor and poke his shoulder the man slightly groan and Kendall sigh out of relief. Her gaze landed on the man's face but she can't clearly see his face because his hair strands are keeping his face covered.

With her shaking hands, she silently move his hair strand carefully not to wake him up. Her jaw dropped as she stares at his perfect feature. Pointed nose, thick eye lashes, kissable lips and a perfect jaw line. A perfect epitome of the characters she wrote. She mentally scolded herself for admiring the stranger but she cannot deny that her intruder is amazingly hot.

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