Paulo Dybala-Cheating or Not?

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All my life I've wanted a perfect relationship and I thought I had found one when I started dating Paulo. But, I was wrong. Every day when we got back from work we would have no time for each other and every time we spoke it would always be a an argument. I was sat scrolling through the channels and ended up watching the new instead. I was sat on my phone when the new headline made me stop what I was doing "Paulo Dybala's girlfriend caught with another man, could she be cheating?" I turned the TV off in shock to then find out it was all over social media. The guy is my best friend and he always puts his arm around me, it's just what he does. I was reading more about it when I heard the door open and close signifying that Paulo was home. He came into the living room and scoffed at me, he turned back around and headed up the stairs. I needed to sort thing back out with him so I went to our bedroom and heard the shower on so I leaned on the door and waited for him. A few minutes later he came out in his towel and got dressed. He sat on the bed and grabbed his phone. "Come on I know why you're angry, you know I'll never do anything like that to you, can you speak to me"
He looked at me "why should I talk to you you're meant to be my girlfriend and you're cheating on me"
"I'm not I've always hanged around with him and you've never had a problem with it before, well guess what what's the point in having a relation ship if I'm the only one who's in love and is truthful" I felt tears at the back of my eyes and left the room. I went to the only place I've found peaceful and I wanted the ground the swallow me up.

*Paulo's POV*

I can't believe this has happened. I believed stupid rubbish online and now the love of the life has gone. I missed her so much and wanted to make this right. I thought back to our past and automatically knew where she would be. I ran out the house and went to the park where we met and had our first kiss. I saw her on the bench, she was looking at the moon as it shone on her face as I could see tears falling to her cheeks. I went up to her and sat down, I eventually broke the silence "I'm so sorry I can't believe I let the news get to me, I love you so much and I want this to last forever."
She looked at me and I pulled her into a long passionate kiss "I forgive you."


This is for VamosBarcelona I hope you like this, I really enjoyed writing about it.
Thank you!

Amy 💎

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