Chapter Ten

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Josephine opened her eyes to the white walls of the hospital room. Her head seemed like it would burst open any minute now. She tried to focus on her surroundings and that is when she saw his brooding self slumped against the wall. He was staring at her intently.

"Charles..." She whispered but the next second he vanished and Josephine once again fell into darkness.


Charles heard her whisper his name and he stilled. He was still paralyzed by the memories that had swarmed him a moment ago but for some reason being in the same room as her had calmed him down somewhat.

He needed to get a grip on himself. He walked out of the hospital and hailed a taxi to his apartment. He was going to go home, rest and then dig into this whole business. He needed to know if Josephine is aware of her father's business and most important of them all, what the hell happened there back at that farmhouse that they were almost killed.


Dmitri almost paced a hole into his expensive Persian rug.

"What the hell you mean they got away!?"

"Sir, we tried but that man with her, her bodyguard was lethal. He killed four of our men and injured us three"

"So you mean to tell me you eight, few of my best, the trained killers couldn't handle one kid? I mean he is what twenty four, twenty five from the description who assholes gave. This is pathetic. You should be grateful that I haven't shot your brains out." Dmitri gritted. "I want Josephine Laurent in my clutches. I don't give a damn how you make that work but I want that woman and I will teach that bastard Jacques a lesson or two on loyalty. Once I am through with them I will deal with this so called lethal kid of yours and see what all that fuss about is. All he did was get lucky because you idiot don't know how to function. I don't even know why I keep you around" Dmitri said and faced his men.

"Now don't disappoint me this time because if you do I swear to god I will make you suffer so much that you all will begging for death. I want that Laurent girl as soon as possible. Bring her to me, in one piece and alive." With that Dmitri stormed out of the room.


Charles woke up later in the evening and picked up his phone. His whole body ached and he had a pounding headache. He had even forgotten to get his prescription made. He trudged out of his bed and went to the bathroom to grab Advil from the medicine kit. He swallowed three pills with water.

He dialed a number he knew by heart and waited for the person on the other end to answer.

"Hello, Xavier speaking"

"Hey man, it's me Hunter"

"Oh look who is alive and kicking" Xavier joked.

"Yeah I am well. How is everything on your end?"

"All is good but the Hunter I know doesn't make small talk so what's up?"

"I am on this mission here in Paris. I need your other worldly contacts to find out a few details."

"Sure thing. Fire away"

"First find out if Jacques Laurent's daughter knows anything about her father's illegal business and second find out what is the current status between the French mafia and the Russian mafia."

"Give me like two hours and I will get right back at you" Xavier said and hung up.

Charles closed his eyes and leaned his head against the headboard. Xavier was the technical whiz at the Pentagon and this guy was like a walking Wikipedia. He could find out any detail through his various unknown sources. Now all Charles had to do was wait.


Josephine kept on drifting in and out of her sleep. She wasn't sure if she was dreaming of his dark brown eyes staring at him or if he was really there standing there in her hospital room. She felt like she was underwater. Her body felt so heavy.

"Charles..." She murmured again but there was no response and then she felt his warmth disappear from her bedside. Once again she slipped into the darkness.

Charles stared at her peaceful sleeping face. She was in and out of it and once she even murmured his name. He didn't like how he felt when his name rolled of her tongue. However he clenched his teeth when he realized why he was sitting by her bedside other than the fact that he was worried about her health but his brain refused to acknowledge that. He had been in her room from the past three hours, either sitting on the chair next to her bed or pacing the room.

Xavier had called him back in the evening and relayed all the information he had found out and Charles was shocked and infuriated at the same time. He knew he had to get this information back to the CIA about Josephine involvement but he wanted to sort some things out himself before. He wanted to rip off Jacques' head for sending her in on such a dangerous territory and that too to betray the Russian mafia. What the hell was that old man thinking?

So here he was waiting for her to wake up so he could confront her. He wanted to be angry at her and also glad at the same time that she was aware of her father's illegal business so that he could now utilize her to gather more Intel and get back to the States. However all he felt was worry for her health and anger at her father for jeopardizing her life. Why the hell did he care about her? What was happening to him? Whatever it was, Charles was not pleased with the direction his heart was pulling him in.

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