Chapter Four

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Josephine walked out of the front door and almost screamed out when Charles fell into pace with her.

“A little warning would help” Josephine muttered Charles simply grunted in response. He followed her to the car and pulled open the back door for her. He slipped into the seat next to the driver and glared out of the window.

Josephine studied his profile, his clenched jaw and hooded eyes. This man always seemed to be in a bad mood.

“What are your university hours Ms. Laurent?” Charles asked. He tried to keep the edge out of his voice. He needed to be professional and get this mission over as soon as possible. Just looking at Josephine was painful. There were the subtle differences, even in their personalities but those didn’t hinder the flood of memories that unleashed in his heart.

“I will be having classes till two o' clock and it is Josephine please”

They parked and Josephine stepped out of the car. Charles also stepped out and surveyed the campus.

Josephine watched him lean against the car door and shove his hands in his pocket. He fit right into the student groups with his dark blue jeans and faded denim jacket on top of a white t shirt. She then realized he was not much older than her. God, this man oozed sexiness.

“Are you going to stand here all day?” Charles snapped her out of her trance.

“I am going. You are going to hang around all day?”

“Till your classes are over. I am going to be in the area. Here’s my number” Charles held out a piece of paper and Josephine slipped it into her pocketbook.

“See you” She said and walked away.

Charles watched her enter the building and sighed.

Josephine was distracted throughout the whole day. Charles kept on running around in her head. His brooding good looks kept her from focusing in class. She realized she was attracted to her bodyguard.

“Anyone would be” She muttered.

“You said something, doll?” Pierre leaned towards her and Josephine rolled her eyes and stood up as the bell rang, signaling the end of the day.

Josephine walked out of the building with Pierre on her heels.

“Hey listen up!” He said as he grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him. Her books flew out of her hands and scattered on the ground. “You need to cap that attitude doll” He gritted out as he yanked her closer.

“Back---“However before Josephine could complete her sentence, Pierre disappeared from her sight and was slammed against his precious Ferrari’s hood.

Charles loomed over him, twisting his arm behind his back. Pierre whimpered out in pain.

“Next time think twice before you manhandle a woman, you asshole” Charles said as he yanked Pierre’s arm harder. He then shoved him on the ground and let go.

“Who the hell do you think you are?! Wait till my dad hears about this!” Pierre yelled.

Charles took a menacing step in his direction and he scrambled to his feet and hurriedly got in the car.

“Are you alright?” Charles asked her as he helped her gather the books from the ground. He noticed the bruise forming on her forearms where that shit of an excuse of man had grabbed her and Charles tried to swallow his anger. He should have snapped his scrawny neck.

Moreover another thought disturbed Charles and he tried to push that to the back of his head. When he had seen Pierre pull her and manhandle her had this protective feeling sweep across his body and he didn’t like that one bit.

He held open the door for her and helped her in the car.

“Thank you” Josephine said as Charles slipped in the driver’s seat. He had sent the driver back earlier in the afternoon.

“It’s my job” Charles replied as he adjusted the rearview mirror and his eyes landed on her green ones looking back at him. “Back home?”

“No. Not yet. There is this coffee shop down the block. Will you please take me there?”

Charles nodded and pulled out of the parking lot.

Charles held open the coffee door for her and followed her in. It was crowded with university students, milling around and chatting.

“What would you like?” Josephine asked.

“Nothing. I am good”

Josephine shook her head at his response and ordered two hot chocolates.

They slipped into a booth and saw across from one another. Josephine noticed his tense posture.

“It is just hot chocolate unless you are allergic to it and if you are then your life is just sad” Josephine tried to joke but his expressions didn’t budge.

“Fine, be grumpy.” She gave up and sipped her own drink and looked out of the window. Fall was showing its colors and making everything a pretty orange. Josephine loved fall. She looked back and saw that Charles was no longer in his seat, his drink lying untouched on the table.

Charles strode out of the coffee shop and took deep breathes. Was she making his life difficult on purpose?

“Here you go” Emilia said as she handed him his cup of hot chocolate.

“Thank you” Charles said as he pulled aside the blanket and she slipped in next to him with her own cup.

“You make the best hot chocolate” He said as he took a sip from the cup.

“Stop lying. You say you are in heaven when you have that hot cocoa at Pete’s coffee place.”

“Pete is an old friend” Charles chuckled.

“Still you lie.”

“Fine. I won’t ever drink any other hot chocolate except made by you. Promise. Happy?”

Emilia laughed at his childish behavior but accepted his offer.

“Yes, very happy”

Charles smiled as she snuggled closer to him.


He snapped back to the present as he felt Josephine’s hand on his forearm.

Josephine looked at the pain expression on his face but it snapped back to its usual poker face once she touched him.

“Yes I am fine. You done?”

Josephine nodded and followed him to the car.

“What the hell just happened?” Josephine thought

“This is worse than hell” Charles thought as he got behind the wheel.

Sorry for such a late update.
Had a writer's block.
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