*Welcome Home*

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3rd POV:

'I'm finally gonna do it.' , thought Jay, 'I'm gonna go home to my brother in Beigoma!' 

Jay was getting dressed in her usual clothes which consisted of black pants, a black and gray shirt, and an open, sliver jacket that went down her her knees. She wore black ankle boots and a purple belt that held her bey and launcher. Her long, sliverish white hair was put in a loose braid.

She had been alone since  her adoptive mom died, but that was about to change. She was about to leave her small apartment for good, but she realized she left her bey in her room. Her bey was a balance type named Storm Phoenix. It was light blue and had small dark blue flames on it. She grabbed her bey and went to catch the next train to Beigoma.

Time Skip

She got off the train and ran to her old school, Beigoma Academy. She walked into the school and found her way to the principals office. He greeted her and welcomed her back. He told her that she would be with the same classmates as she was when she left, plus a few new students. Jay was extremely excited since she would be in the same class as Shu and the others. She was told she would be in class 5-A. Principal Shinoda gave her the schedule and sent her off.


Shu's POV:

I was walking into the classroom when I heard yelling coming from down the hall. I stopped walking to see who it was, bad idea. One minute I'm standing up and the next I'm being squished by an almost late and yelling Valt. He got off me, apologized and started screaming again. " SHUUUUUUUUU! YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT I'M ABOUT TO SAY!"  " Ok. What is it?" I asked. Valt being his overly enthusiastic self yelled, "THERE IS A NEW STUDENT JOINING THE CLASS TODAY!" "Ok ok I get it, but can you please stop yelling?" " Sure, sorry bout that."

We walked into class and the rest of the bey club asked Valt why he was so excited. Valt explained everything and before the rest of the club could ask questions, the bell rang to start class. The teacher walked up to the front of the class and said, "Good morning everyone! Today we have a new student joining us. Well, new to some." When the teacher said that, we all looked around with confused looks on our faces. The teacher went on saying, "She should be here any second. Ah! Here she is. Everyone, I'd like you to say hello t-" "JAY!" Everyone was screaming and cut off the teacher. I just sat there, speechless.

Jay's POV:

I walk into the classroom and before the teacher could finish introducing me, everyone started yelling and celebrating. I looked around trying to find my brother. Then I finally spotted him. "Hey Shu." "J-Jay. Y-you're home." Shu stated, although it sort of sounded like a question. I ran up to my twin and hugged him. Thing is I knocked him off balance and we were sent crashing to the floor. Everyone was laughing and we eventually joined in. I smiled at everyone. I was so happy to be back with my friends and brother. We stood up and gave each other a proper hug. "Happy birthday Shu!" "Happy Birthday Jay. And welcome home."


Ok. I'm done with te first chappie. I hope you enjoyed reading this since it is my first time writing a story like this. If you have any suggestions for other books i could write in the future, please let me know.

Thanks for reading this (most likely terrible) chapter till the end!

Until next chapter, Sayōnara!!!

Whaaaa? Second authors note????!?!!!?
Yeah. Hi. I'm here again. I'm editing the book. So..... yay! Edits should be done soon I think....

Until next time, Sayonara!

Jay OC x Wakiya MurasakiWhere stories live. Discover now