*Shakadera Dojo (PART 2)*

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They finished up lunch, and talked for a few more minutes. Then Xander said, "I'm going out to train, anyone wanna come with?" Everyone said they wanted to go so they headed to where Xander would train.

Xander's POV

'Jay seems a lot stronger than when I saw her three years ago. I wonder how much stronger she's gotten.' I was lost in my own thoughts until we got to where I normally train.

We entered the cave and when we got there, the first thing I said was, "Toko, Nika, I don't know if it's a good idea for you to train with us this time." "We know," said Toko. "We are just here to watch," Said Nika. "Ok then. First off, we are going to work on balance and strengthening our core muscles." As I said this, I hoped on the one of the stalagmites and balanced on one foot. I looked around and laughed as I saw everyone struggling a bit to stay balanced. Even though Valt, Rantaro, and Diago had already done this once, they looked just as crazy as last time. I made one more scan around the cave, and I saw Jay was just standing there looking at her bey. 'Wow. Her balance and strength must have really improved since we were younger.' "Ok everyone! Next we are going to jump around while keeping our balance." "Not this again!" exclaimed Valt. We were all jumping around, and once again, Jay was doing as well as I was. After a few minutes of jumping, I said, "Last thing for the cave, we are going to hang from the stalactites for a while." "Jeez Xander, why the heck do you do this everyday?" asked Honcho. I just laughed, "Ya get used to it if you do it everyday. It's honestly not that difficult for me now, but it helps my strength a lot." "Yeah! What Shorty said. Man up and quit complaining." We all looked towards the sound of the voice. When I turned, I saw Jay, hanging there like it was the easiest thing in the world. After about a minute more, we all jumped down.

We walked outside the cave and I grabbed the yellow weight I put on my back. I turned towards the group and said, "Ok, we will now run up these stairs as fast as we can. This will help with mental strength and focus." Wakiya then said, "U-um. H-how high is it up there?" "Oh? Is the great and powerful Dorkiya chickening out on us?" teased Hocho. We all laughed, but Wakiya just growled. "Fine. I'll do it. Bet I'll beat you to the top too ya slow poke!" With that he took of running with Honcho right behind him. I saw Jay turn to Nika and say, " Wanna piggyback ride? I'd rather run with something, or someone in this case, on my back." Nika smiled and said, "Sure, just don't drop me." The two girls laughed and Nika got on Jay's back. Jay and I started running and eventually caught up to the others. We looked at each other, knowing the other wanted to race. The I called out, "Diago! Count us down!" Diago nodded and yelled, "3,2,1, GO!" Me and Jay took off sprinting up the stairs. We ended up tying, which surprised me a little. Once everyone caught up, we all did some push-ups. Then I said, "SPRINT!" Everyone, well, mostly everyone groaned. Jay on the other hand seemed ecstatic. "WOO HOO! SPRINTS!" With that, she took off. We just laughed and took of after her.

Jay's POV

We were still sprinting, when I heard a yell come from my brother. I turned around and looked up. Instead of being a kind sister, I just laughed. Eventually everyone joined in, including Shu. "Now that we have all laughed at my expense, CAN SOMEONE PLEASE GET ME DOWN!?" Me and Xander jumped up and got him out of the net.

We kept running and after about 2 minutes, a log like the one from when we first got to the dojo came out of nowhere and was heading towards us. I realized it was made of confetti, so I decided to punch it. I punched the log and it exploded into splinters of confetti. I looked back at the group smiling. Shortie's face showed a little bit of shock before he laughed. Shu and Wakiya were smiling at me and the twins and the rest of the club we cheering.

We eventually got to the edge of a cliff. Then Xander said, "Ok. We're almost back. We just got to get down this cliff." He started running down and said"Pace yourselves newbies!" Wakiya then yelled, "You could have told us this earlier!" "Yeah. For once, I'm agreeing with blondie." I just laughed And followed after him and eventually caught up. We got to the bottom at the same time.

Jay OC x Wakiya MurasakiWhere stories live. Discover now