*Concert Gone Wrong*

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Jay's POV:

I woke up the next morning, only to see Valt and my brother sleeping on the couch. 'Should I wake them up? Na. Valt will wake up if he smells food... so I'll make breakfast!' I got out all the ingredients I needed to make pancakes and bacon. I decided to make quite a few more pancakes than usual because of Valt. I had just finished putting the food on everyone's plates when I heard a noise from the other room. "Vaaaaalt. Wake up..... I smell food." 'I thought the smell would have woken Valt up... unless he was dreaming about food...' "Wha, Food! Where?" I walked over to the table and placed the plates on it. "Morning you guys." Valt said, "Morining Jay." They walked over to the table and we started eating. "I know it's not as good as Shu's cooking, but I hope you like it." Valt nodded his head really fast. "It's great!" I smiled. Then, my brother asked, "You two want to go to the bey park after breakfast?" "What kind of question is that!? Of course we do. Right Valt?" "MHM!"

We finished up breakfast, cleaned up from it, got ready, grabbed our beys, and ran all the way to the stadium. When we got there, we saw Diago and Honcho about to launch their beys into the stadium. Diago turned around when heard is running up and said, "Hey guys." Valt replied, "Hey Diago!" "Hey! What about me!?" "Oh, sorry Honcho." I looked over at Shu and said, "Wanna have a battle after Diago and Honcho?" "Sure." We watched their battle and Diago won. "Aw man! I almost had ya!" "Better luck next time." Me and Shu walked up to the stadium. "Honcho, will you be the ref?" "Sure."

No one's POV:

"The battle between Shu Kurenai and Jay Kurenai will now begin. This will be a three point match. A ring out finish and a survivor finish are one point while a burst finish is two." "You may have beaten Xander, but you won't have that much luck with me." "Then I guess that means no holding back."

Honcho put his fan in the middle. He took it out as he said...

"Ready, and Set!"

Then everyone joined in...




Then Jay and Shu said...

"Let it rip!"

The two launched their beys into the stadium, neither one taking the center. They were chasing each other till they turned, heading to meet in the center. The two beys missed, and repeated this action multiple times. Phoenix quickly turned and headed straight for Spryzen. "Now Phoenix, BLITZ LAUNCH!" "Go Spryzen, COUNTER BREAK!" When the two beys collided, they stayed like that for a while before they both burst.

"Simultaneous burst finish. It's a draw."

Everyone was looking at the girl with shocked expressions. In the three battles they've seen, she hasn't had any point scored on her and she never tied. "Hm. Guess I've met my match." "Next match won't end the same way."

They had 3 matches after this. The final score was...

"Jay wins by a score of 3-2."

Jay's POV:

"Good game Shu." "Good game." "I guess this means I still got a ways to go before taking down Lui." "I'm pretty sure we all do Jay." I looked over to see who said that. "Wakiya!" I ran at him and gave him a kiss. I could hear the bey club cheering in the background. Wakiya asked, "So what was the final score? All I heard was that you beat Shu." "It was 3-2. That was easily the hardest battle I've ever had." He nodded then Valt said, "Hey, what's in the giant box?" I looked at the box. 'How did I not see this earlier...' "Oh. It's a present for Jay. This is the reason I couldn't stay over and watch the battles with ya'll." I smiled at him and said, "Can I open it now, or should I wait til we get inside somewhere?" "Have at it. Once it's opened it will be easier to carry anyway." I opened the box. It was wrapped in a blue and yellow wrapping paper, so I just tore it off. When I opened the box, there was another case inside, but it was made of a leathery material and it was oddly shaped. I remember our conversation from the previous night and immediately realized what it was. I pulled out the case and opened it. Inside was the guitar I was staring at in the music store yesterday. It was black with small purple and white designs on it. The strap on it and the pick were also purple. "Wakiya! THANK YOU!" I practically strangled him with a hug. The rest of the club was looking at the guitar, then at me, and then back at the guitar. Then Valt yelled, "YOU PLAY GUITAR!?" We all had our ears covered, but it didn't help. I nodded my head saying, "Yup. Zac taught me how to play about a year ago. He lost his bey and when I returned it we taught me how to play." Then Diago said, "Could you play a song?" "Yeah sure." I got the guitar, put the strap over my shoulder, grabbed the pick, and got ready to play.

Jay OC x Wakiya MurasakiWhere stories live. Discover now