Halloween Special

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Third Person POV

It was the day before Halloween and the students of Beigoma Academy were preparing for the Halloween dance. People were busy putting up decorations and preparing the haunted house. Let's not forget some were even working up the courage to ask their crushes to the dance. 

Valt Aoi, captain of the beyclub,  was running around like the energetic person he was when he ran into Jay, his boyfriends twin. "Sorry Jay. I was looking for your brother so I could ask him to the dance." "Have you check to see if he was training on the roof? I bet he's up there with Spryzen." "HOW DID I FORGET TO LOOK THERE!!!?!??!!!??? Thanks Jay. Bye now. SHUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!" Jay laughed as Valt ran off. 'Well looks like they'll be going together' thought Jay. Many people had already asked their crushes to the dance, but she was to scared to ask her crush out. Speak of the devil, he was walking towards her right then. Wakiya Murasaki, one of the most popular and coldest guys in the school. She didn't know why she fell in love with the Wyveron blader, but she did. He came up to her and said, "Hey Jay, the people doing the haunted house need people to test it out so they asked the beyclub to do it. I found you, Honcho and Diago, but I can't find your brother and Valt. Have you seen them?" "Geez, Valt just came and asked for Shu. Have you checked the roof yet? He's probably training. And.. do we have to do the haunted house?" Jay was normally a fairy calm and brave person, but she had a bad experience with a haunted house once and she has been scared of them ever since. "Tch, of course we do. They asked for the beycub, so they are getting the beyclub. What are ya scared or something? And no, I didn't check the roof yet. I'll be going, be at the haunted house in 20 minutes." Then he walked off towards the stairs. Jay was freaking out. She was probably gonna do something stupid while in the haunted house. 

a wee Time skip brought to you by a Tiny Guild Master

We started walking through the haunted house. Valt was holding on to Shu for dear life and Honcho an Diago were pretty close together. Jay and Wakiya were the only ones walking somewhat spread out. Shu looked over to Jay making sure she was ok, but she looked terrified. It was dark and no one could see more than 1 foot in front of themselves. They kept walking along for a while before someone jumped out. They were wearing a red and white mask and holding a knife covered in fake blood. Most people were scared from the jumpscare, but Jay was terrified since it brought up bad memories. She was so scared, she accidentally jumped into Wakiya's arms. When she realized what she did, her face got red and she apologized. Wakiya for some reason Jay didn't know, held her closer and held her until they exited the scary place. Wakiya took Jay to the bey park where he talked to her. "Hey. Why did you get so scared back there? It's not like you to freak out." Jay sighed told him what happened. "When I was about 7 I went into a haunted house with my family. I got separated from then somehow. So I kept walking trying to find the exit. I just ended up getting even more lost. Then out of no where, a man with a bloody knife and a white and red mask attacked me. He cut my arm and it wouldn't stop bleeding. He tried to kill me after that, but my parents and Shu found me and svaed me. I haven't been a haunted house since then until know." After Jay told her story, Wakiya did something Jay didn't expect. Wakiya hugged her in a strong embrace and apologized for forcing her to go through the haunted house. What happened next surprise the Phoenix even more. "JAy will you go to the dance with me?" Wakiyka was blushing as he said this. Jay smiled and while blushing said, "S-sure. I-I'd love to."

another Time Skip brought to you by the same Tiny Guild Master

It was the day of the dance. Everyone was dressed up in their costumes. Wakiya was dressed like a wyveron and Jay was dressed like a phoenix. (very original, dress like your beys.... im an idiot...) They were dancing with their friends, who also dressed like their beys, when Jay freaked out again. She saw the guy in the mask from the haunted house. Even though she knew it was only a kid in a costume for the haunted house and not they guy who tried to kill her, she still freaked out. Her friends looked at her concerned, but Shu and Wakiya knew what was wrong. Wakiya lead Jay away from the main part of the dance and up to the roof. 

Wakiya stood of the roof waiting for Jay to calm down. When it didn't seem like she would calm down on her own, Wakiya hugged her catching her off guard. She hugged back, feeling better now that he was holding her. Wakiya pulled back and said, "It's ok. No one's gonna hurt ya. I'll protect you." "Promise?" "Promise." What Wakiya did next surprised the sliver haired female. Wakiya tilted up her chin, looked into her eyes, then closed his and smashed his lips against her's. Jay was shocked at first, but then kissed back after a second or two. They ulled back when the need for oxygen became too great. Then Wakiya said, "I love you Jay. I have for a while now." "I-I love y-you too Wakiya." The two bladers leaned in for another kiss, this one somehow longer than the first. "Will you be my girlfriend Jay?" Jay quickly nodded her head before kissing her new boyfriend on the cheek. 

From that Halloween on, Jay was never scared of her past experience since she knew Wakiya would protect her.


Holy crap. Well that's a Halloween special I guess. 

In my opinion, it wasn't the best, but I liked it.

Either way it's done.

Plz excuse the mistakes in this special.

I'll be back to updating the normal story soon.

Thank you for reading this book! And I hope you are enjoying it thus far.

Until next time, Sayōnara!!!

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