*Welcome Home pt.2*

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3rd POV:

(same day as her return)

Jay went to lunch and sat with the rest of the beyclub. As she was sitting down, she noticed two things were different.

"Hey, where did Ken go? And who's the blond?"

Diago was the first to answer, "Ken moved away. And the blond is Wakiya Murasaki. He's also a member of the beyclub."

"Good to know. So what else happened while I was gone? Besides the fact y'all started blading and started a club."

Valt then answered,"WEEEEEEEEELL. Me and your bro-""WAIT! YOU KNEW WE WERE ALL BLADERS, YET YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHO I WAS!?" yelled Wakiya. I nodded in reply. "Unbelivedable," mumbled Wakiya.

"Any who, back to what I was saying before blondie interrupted me..." said Valt who was trying to evily glare at Wakiya, "me and your bother are dating." At first I was shocked, then I got really happy. "AWE! My big bro has got himself a boyfriend. Honcho, PAY UP!" "Dang it!" yelled Honcho has he handed me $5. Everyone was confused, then Diago caught on. "YOU GUYS BET THAT THEY WOULD END UP TOGETHER!??!" "Yeah, and I just lost. I thought you would have forgotten." Everyone started laughing, even Shu surprisingly.

The Shu asked what happened after the fire. Jay told them what happened:


My house was on fire. I couldn't see my brother or parents anywhere. I called for them over and over, but no response came. I decide to just run to a nearby forest to try to get away from the fire. I lived the forest for a week. I don't know how I survived this long. As I was walking, I heard voices. I couldn't believe I was this close to the exit of the forest.

I followed the voices and saw a small group of people, two men and two women. They were pitching tents and setting up a campfire. I decided they looked nice enough and walked towards them. I stepped on a stick and it snapped. The noise made them look up at me. They put down their things and walked towards me, stopping about 7 feet away.

They introduced themselves before asking for my name and what I was doing in the forest. I told them my name and what had happened a week earlier. One of the women pulled me into a hug, it was nice. She and her husband convinced me to go home and let them adopt me.

For my ninth birthday, they gave me a bey. I trained and battled whenever I could, never losing after my tenth birthday. I also joined the karate dojo not far from our house. Sadly, it wasn't the Shakadera dojo, but I still enjoyed it. I became a purple belt just before my eleventh birthday.

A few months later my dad left us and we never saw him again. Then three months before my birthday, my adoptive mom died in a car accident. I was left alone in the apartment. I told myself that I would gather my things for three months, then move back to Biegoma on my 11th birthday. So that is what I did.

(end of flashback)

Jay's POV:

After I finished telling my story, everyone just started at me for a while. Wakiya broke the silence, "Ha. Your expecting me to believe you survived on your own in a forest for a week, became a purple belt in two years, and have a bey and haven't lost a battle in a year. Valt could probably come up with a more convincing story." "I thought it was convincing," said Valt.

"I can show you if you doubt it," I replied while taking my phone out of my pocket. I showed the club pictures of me getting my belts every time I moved up a color. The last one was of my tying my purple belt on. I pulled out Phoenix after I put up my phone.

"Tch, whatever. I still doubt you haven't lost in a year. And even if you did win they were probably nobodies that weren't even a challenge," said Wakiya while crossing his arms. "I haven't lost since, and the people I battled weren't weak. I was just stronger," I replied with a slight glare towards the blond.

"You should come by the beg club after school so we can battle!" yelled Valt. Honcho immediately agreed. "That's perfect! We'd be able to watch you battle and get to battle you ourselves!" I shrugged my shoulders, "Sounds good."
The bell rang just after I agreed and we had to go back to class.

Time skip

After school, I walked with Shu to the roof and saw the guys. I saw Wakiya standing ready at the stadium and staring at me. 'I haven't gotten a good look at him yet, but he's actually pretty attra- wait, WHAT I AM THINKING! THIS GUY WAS A TOTAL JERK! but he is pretty cute... GAH! ILL THINK ABOUT MY WEIRD THOUGHTS LATER! I HAVE A BATTLE TO WIN!'

Wakiya POV

Jay Walked up to the stadium. 'I don't know why I was so rude earlier. She is pretty cu- crap. Do I really like her? I mean She is kinda cute, and she's not a bad person. Shes kinda cool actually. Why am I thinking about this now? I gotta battle her and win!'

"Honcho, get you and your fan over here and be ref."

"Yes drill sergeant sir! Oh Jay, what is your beys name?"

" I'll tell you after the battle."

No Ones POV

Jay and Wakiya got into their launching positions. Honcho went over the rules. It was a 2 point match. He put his fan in the middle and pulled it out saying, "Ready and set." Then everyone joined in the countdown.



Jay's and Wakiya's beys went into the stadium. Wyveron took hold of the center while Jay's bey went around the outside. Jay's bey went in to attack and wyveron deflected it. "Is that all you got?" asked Wakiya. Jay just stood there quietly watching the battle. Then Jay saw an opportunity, "NOW! BLITZ LAUNCH!" Jay's bey made a quick turn, sped up and collided with wyveron. Wyveron burst after the impact.

Shu's POV

"Jay wins by a socer of 2-0" After watching the battle, everyone was standing awestruck. Jay picked up wyveron and handed it back to Wakiya. 'Jeez. No one's beaten wyveron that fast. Not even I have. What was that move she used?'

Then Valt pulled us back to reality"WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?!"

"I take it that doesn't happen often. I mean Wakiya betting beat," said Jay.

"He has been beaten before, but no one has even done it that fast. I haven't even beaten him that fast. What type of bey do you have anyway?" I asked my sister. She was about to respond when the twins showed up. "Sorry we're late!" called Toko. "Awe man, we missed the battle!" yelled Nika. Then simultaneously they said, "Hey, who's the new girl?" Jay turned around and said, "Then girl who just kicked Wakiya's butt!!" "JAY!" The twins the ran up and hugged her. Then Diago spoke up, "Hey Jay, what were you going to say about your bey before the twins came?" Jay said, "Its a balance type named Storm Phoenix. I've been told it faster than most balance types though, so some people think its an attack type."

Wakiya's POV

After Jay told us her bey's name, I told her she was great, which surprised everyone, including myself. She just smiled in reply. Then I said, "Hey Jay, wanna join the bey club? I know it's normally Valt's job to ask, but I'm trying to spare everyone's ears." Everyone laughed a little at that. Then she replied, "Sure! And thanks for sparing our ears." Just as she said that, Valt yelled, "WOOHOOOOO! NEW BEY CLUB MEMBER!"


Welp, thats chappie number two done. I hope you enjoyed it!

Also, I really wanted to include shalt just because I am ones of those people you ship them so that's why that is there. Its not my fav ship of all time though.

Thanks for reading all the way through

And jeez this was longer than expected........

Any who, Until next time, Sayōnara!!!

Jay OC x Wakiya MurasakiWhere stories live. Discover now