*The Train Ride*

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Shu_Kurenai logged on

Valt_Aoi logged on

Honcho logged on

Wakiya_Komurasaki logged on

Diago_Kurogami logged on


-Shu_Kurenai added Jay_Kurenai to the chat-

Shu_Kurenai: Hey guys. I added my sister to the chat.
Valt_Aoi: HI JAY!!!
Honcho: Sup my peeps
Diago_Kurogami: Hey
Wakiya_Komurasaki: hey
Jay_Kurenai: Hey guys! Me and Shu were going to head to Xander's dojo. Wanna come?
Valt_Aoi: YES!!!
Honcho: Dude! Quit using all caps. And yeah I'll come, ya know, to keep the sanity levels stable.
Diago_Kurogami: Yeah sure. Sounds like fun.
Wakiya_Komurasaki: Fine. Everyone else seems to wanna go so why not.
Shu_Kurenai: Ok then. We'll meet up at the train station at 3:00


Time skip

Jay's POV:

Me and Shu told everyone that we were going to the dojo and they're all coming with us. We all met up at the train station and got on the next train that headed towards the dojo. When we got on the train, Valt, Honcho, and I started talking about battling Xander and beating him, or at least tying or scoring a point. Then I told them about the other thing I wanted to do, "Would it be weird if I asked Xander to fight me? I mean like hand-to-hand, not with our beys." They looked at me like I was crazy and stayed quiet for a few seconds. Then simultaneously they yelled, "What! Are you insane?!" Honcho then went on, "Look, we know your strong and all, but do you really think it's a good idea?" "To be honest, it's probably not my best idea ever, I just want to see how I'd do against the guy since he's been crazy strong since kindergarten." I looked over and saw Shu, Wakiya, and Diago talking about something, but I couldn't hear them. Shu looked up and smiled at me and eventually let out a small laugh. Obviously he knew what I just told the Honcho and Valt by their reaction and by the way my face looked. He then turned back to his conversation. For the rest of the ride, me, Valt, and Honcho played never have I ever. It was fun. Who knew Honcho had never gone any where without a lollipop since 1st grade.

Meanwhile: with the other 3 bey club members:

Shu's POV:

We were boarding the train and Wakiya and Diago came up to me. Diago asked, "Can we talk to you for a minute?""Away from the other three," added Wakiya. "Um sure. What do you guys need?" "Well, uh, you see...," Wakiya stopped talking. Diago then spoke up, "He is trying to ask for your help. He's just can't swallow his pride and ask." Then I asked, "What do you need help with?" Wakiya was glaring at Diago, but then stopped to answer me, "Well, ya' see, there's this person I like, and I don't know what to do. So I thought I'd come to the love expert a-" Shu cut him off, "Why does everyone say I'm the love expert!? I'm just an 11 year old blader that happens to have a boyfriend." The other two boys looked at me like I was crazy, for interrupting someone, and for the fact I said everyone called me a love expert,at least I think that's why. I saw the confused looks on their faces and explained to them, "Diago called me a love expert when I helped him with his special someone, Jay called me that last night, and now you." I then heard Rantaro and Valt yelling about something, so turned and saw Jay looking at me. By their reactions and Jay's expression, I could tell she just told them her plans for Xander. I just smiled and quietly started laughing.

Wakiya's POV:

Shu turned around and... laughed... 'Wonder why the two idiots were screaming.' Shu turned back and saw mine and Diago's confused faces. He explained what happened and what Jay was planning to do. Then I said with a bit of a surprised tone, "What! Is you sister insane or something? Many things could come from this idea, and none of them are good." Diago nodded his head agreeing with what I just said. Shu just let out a small chuckle, "She's pretty confident in her own skills, so I don't think things will go terribly." Me and Diago looked at him like he was crazy, I mean, he was ok with letting his twin fight his insanely strong childhood friend.

Then I remember what he said about being called a love expert, "Wait, you said your sister called you a love expert, right? Why did she say that?" "Well I said she might like a certain someone, and she was confused about her feelings. Then she asked what she should do." "Wait, she likes someone?" I inquired. Shu just nodded his head. "I can't say who, but their last name starts with a 'K'. They are also a very skilled blader." Me and Diago looked at each other. 'This means I have a shot, but I know a few people with last names starting with K.' Then Diago said, "I can think of me, Wakiya, Honcho, and Hoji with last names staring with 'K'. Jay hasn't met Hoji, so it's one of us three, right?" Shu looked at Diago and nodded. Then he said, "I can think of one more last name starting with a 'K'. Though I'm not surprised you didn't say it Diago." Once again, we looked at him confused. He sighed and said, "These are all the people I know who are bladers and who have a last name starting with a 'K' besides my own. Kurogami, Kiyama, Komurasaki, Konda, and Kurogane." Simultaneously, Diago and I said, "Kurogane! Who the heck's last name is Kurogane!?" Shu answered, "Zenkuro Kurogane. You guys know him by a different name though, so it make sense you wouldn't know off the top of your heads." Me and Diago just stared at each other for a moment. Then something in Diago's head clicked because he matched the new name with the name we knew and said, "Zac!? That's his real name!?" Shu nodded and I felt my chances of her liking me get smaller. 'Zac is a member of the supreme four, not to mention he's famous too. Geez it seems I don't really stand a chance against him.'

I was shaken out of my thoughts when fell out of my chair. "Why didn't I say that I'd meet ya'll at the dojo? I could have rode first class to get there instead of sitting in these chairs," I said, getting off the floor. Shu and Diago just laughed. Then Diago said, "I hope Jay doesn't like me honestly. I mean I'd be flattered and all, but I don't like her like that." Then Shu said, "It's not you I can promise you that. You were also right in saying it wasn't Hoji since they have never met. Which means it's one of the other three." I was hoping he'd say Zac's name too. The one time I wanted to hear the annoying blonde's name, it wasn't said. I must have been looking upset during this whole conversation because Shu said, "Hey Wakiya. Are you ok? You seem upset about something." Just as he asked that, the train stopped meaning we were about to get off. I didn't answer. Diago looked at me and I nodded, answering the unasked question, "Wakiya likes Jay."


Chappie number 5 is done!

Ok, I know I said that I might do a second chapter yesterday, but something came up and I couldn't update, so I updated today!

I also said it would be at the dojo, but I had an idea for when they were on the train.

Next chapter will be at the dojo though

Well anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying the book so far.

Until next time, Sayōnara!!!

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