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Wakiya's POV:

I was walking to the bey stadium in the park to meet up with the bey club. As usual, Valt was no where to be seen. "Tch. Where's the captain? He's the one who told us all to be here." Just as I finished talking, we all heard yelling. I turned around to see who it was. Big mistake. Valt was running straight at me. He ran into me, knocking me onto my back. "Hey! Watch where your going Valt!" "Hehe. Sorry 'bout that." Then, Diago said, "Why did you have everyone but Jay come?" I looked around and noticed he was right. Shu said, "I had him get everyone here." Honcho said, "Ok then. Why are we here. And where is your sister?" "Jay went to a music store to get something. And I had Valt get everyone here because Wakiya is a chicken." He looked at me and smirked. 'Oh jeez... don't tell me...' "Wakiya is scared to ask my sister out." Valt and Honcho looked at each other, then at me. They started laughing. Honcho said, "Dude! Ya' scared Shu is gonna kill you or something." "Na he's just to scared to ask her out." I said, "Last time I checked you were the same way with Shu." "This is not about me!" Shu laughed a little. "Any way, you better ask her soon. Otherwise she will ask out her crush first."

Shu's POV:

After I said that, Wakiya went into panic mode. "Wh-what? Who is it? Shu you better tell me!" "Chill out. Like I said on the train, 'Their last name starts with a 'K' and they are a very skilled blader.'" Then he said, "And THAT is why I'm terrified! I know It's not Diago 'cause he has Ukyo. It's not Hoji because they have never met. That leaves Kiyama, Komurasaki, and Kurogane!" Valt said, "Kurogane! Whose that?" Diago said, "It's Zac." Honcho and Valt looked shocked.

Wakiya said, "And that's why I'm scared. I don't wanna get rejected... but since he is one this list of possible people... I feel I don't stand a chance." Valt looked at him and laughed. "I never thought I'd see you scared of losing. And to Zac no less! Besides, we don't even know if they've met before." Wakiya was quiet for a while. Then he said, "Yeah. Your right. I'll ask her to hang out later and tell her then!" Honcho said, "There we go! No listen here. YOU BETTER NOT LOSE TO BLONDIE OK! Use that as encouragement... I guess..."

Wakiya's POV:

"Yeah! I'll use it as encouragement! I gotta go find Jay now! I'll tell you how everything goes!" With that, I ran off. I headed towards the only music shop I knew of, and I saw Jay looking around at a guitar. I walked into the store and said, "Hey Jay!" I guess I startled her because she jumped a little. "H-Hey Wakiya. What are you doing here?" "I just came by to see if you wanted to hang out later?" Her eyes got wide and a huge smile formed on her face." Sure! I'd love too!"

We left the store and decided to go watch a movie. We ended up watching Bleach: Hell Verse. It was about a guy with orange hair and a huge sword going down to hell to save his sisters and his friends... It was ok. Jay really seemed to like it though. Then we headed to a small cafe for lunch. We ate and walked for about an hour. We decided to go to the beach for the rest of the day. We went to our respective homes changed and got packed. Then we headed to the beach.

We got to the beach and it wasn't very crowded. There were only a few groups of people. We set down our towels and took off the clothes we had on over our swim suits. Jay was wearing a dark blue swimsuit with little light blue polka dots on it. I had on a pair of purple and light green swim trunks. We headed out to a shallow part of the ocean and started a splash fight. While we were splashing each other, Jay tripped and fell on me. We both fell into the water and came back up laughing. I looked at her and I realized she was sitting on my lap. She must have noticed too because she jumped up blushing and apologizing. I said it was fine and she stopped apologizing.

We headed back to dry land, but not before Jay took the hair tie out of my soaked hair. "Hey! Give that back!" "Never!" I chased her around trying to get it back. She gave it back after about 15 minutes of me chasing her. We sat and talked and played games for a while.

Jay OC x Wakiya MurasakiWhere stories live. Discover now