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Wakiya's POV

After battling Jay, I was standing there, watching her go home with Shu. I was amazed at how strong she was, heck, she might be able to beat Lui. But that's not why I'm staring. I can't get these crazy thoughts about her out of my head. 'One minute I'm making fun of her and being rude to her like I do with everyone and the next I start thinking she's cute.' My thoughts were broken when Diago said, "Hey Wakiya, are you ok? You're spacing out." Rantaro then said, "Yeah are you alright? You never space out, not even after losing a battle or when you're so bored all you can think to do is argue with me." "I'm fine."

Diago's POV

After Wakiya said he was fine, he spaced out again. I was concerned so I said, "Wakiya, can I walk with you while you go home. I want to talk to you about something?" "Yeah sure, whatever." "Bye Honcho." "Later dudes!"

Me and Wakiya were walking towards his house, er mansion, and it was quiet before he asked me, "So what did you want to talk to me about?" "Well, I was just making sure you were ok. I know you said you were fine, but you don't look fine. " "I'm fine. I just have weird thoughts going on in my head and I can't piece them together." We were arriving at his house when I asked, "Wanna talk about it?" He hesitated then responded saying, "Yeah I guess, but what I tell you stays between us. Got it?" I nodded as we went up to his bedroom. He sat on his bed and I sat in his desk chair. Then he started talking.

Wakiya's POV

"I don't really know how to explain it, I just feel weird right now. I mean I was making fun of Shu's sister one minute, and the next I'm thinking that- that.." "That what?" I hesitated before blurting out, "That she's cute!" I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth, not believing I just blurted that out in front of Diago. He just sat in the chair with the same expression he always had, but his normally calm and mostly expressionless face turned into a grinning one. He then chuckled a little. "Wha-what's so funny?" Diago then replied, "I think you like her" Then I stood up and said, "Tch, why would I like my rival's twin sister, let alone someone I just met? I mean I barely know her!" My face had a slightly pink tint to it as I was saying this, but I don't think it was noticeable. The Diago said, "Just cause she's your rival's sister, doesn't mean you can't like her. Besides, just cause you barely know her doesn't mean you can't have a tiny crush on her ya' know." "Tch, how would you know? I don't see you crushing on anyone. Are you just telling me stuff straight form a TV show or book or something?" "No I'm not. I was once having the same talk I'm giving you with Shu. I went to him and this is pretty much the same thing he told me." "Great so I'm practically taking advice from Mr. Know-It-All. But why were you asking him for help with this kind of stuff? You in love with someone?"

Diago paused and blushed for a moment before responding, "Y-yeah. We haven't told anyone though. I am dating someone, and Shu was the one who helped me realized I liked him." "Hm, so you're seriously convinced I like Jay huh?" "Mhm." "F-fine, maybe I do have a small crush on her, but it won't last forever. Thanks for talking 'bout this with me. Wanna have a battle since your here?" "Sure, why not." So Diago and Wakiya went to Wakiya's training room and had a few battles. Then, Diago went home and Wakiya went back to his room, laid on his bed and started thinking, 'Do I really like my rival's sister?'


Welp, chapter 4 is done.

Wakiya is confused about how he feels

And who is Diago secretly dating? I'll probably write about that in another chappy. Dont know who people ship him with or if the person I have in mind for him is on the list of Diago ships.

Either way, thank you for reading this chapter and this book.

Until next time, Sayōnara!!!

Jay OC x Wakiya MurasakiWhere stories live. Discover now