Who's In/ Other Important Things You Probably Want To Know

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Alright! Thank you EVERYONE who left a form!

Unless you're reading this past Oct. 16th and left a form anyway. Then I'm going to kill you.

I tried to add as many new characters as I could, and I hope no one gets mad at me. For your sake, not mine. I've had an interesting month so far and you DON'T want me mad. 


Clarion peeps-

- Amelia

- Midnight

- Crash

(you three are a gang, alright. As soon as I saw each of your forms, I'm like 'YEP YEP THESE THREE BELONG IN CLARION THIS IS PERFECT' so thank you for accidentally making this REALLY easy XD)

-Jay (along with Kiah and Twill)

- Rika

- Evan

Members of the Husks- (along with Coral and Orinn)

- Sapphire (again, I saw your form and freaked because you fit the idea I had SO PERFECTLY)

- Melody

Saffridge crew- (changed the name of the town)

- Iris

- Ivory

- Kat


- Lisa

- Serena

Special op-

- Becca (oh yes)

Undecided- (you'll still be in it, I just need to decide where.)

- Liv ( you might end up friends with the Crafter Trio [Lila Cindy Aisho pls help me come up with a better name for you guys])

- Ivy (MIGHT end up as one of the Husks too but idk yet lol)

So, those are the new characters for Forgotten Demons. With the addition of my own OCs; Kiah, Twill (well Twill is my sister's but whatever), Coral, Ava, Bren, Orinn, and Marilan of course.

Now there's a few things that I feel like I need to repeat. These characters are not Authors. They will still be important to the story, but they don't have powers and aren't the main heroes. Between just the villains, Authors, my own OCs, and the canon characters, that's already almost forty. Plus these new guys, probably around 50. FIFTY. WHOA and HOW and AAAAHHH


wait. this is implying that i still had sanity left to lose

i don't


There's a question that I kiiiiiinda forgot to add to the form haha

I'm hoping that most of you have read AWU, and if you have, you probably noticed that I swear quite a bit (you probs know this if you have had any interaction with me at all haha). This is just life: when bad stuff happens, people start cursing. Most of my OCs are a little foul-mouthed, and I'm not afraid to make certain canon characters swear.

But I don't want to do that with other people's characters. It feels like a violation or some shit, idk.

Just...comment whether it's okay for your character to swear or not. I already know a few (the Authors, Jay, Kat, Ivy, Rika and a few people that I'm kinda close with), but I'd like to know the others?

Also I still need the new info from Aisho. It's okay you can take your time I don't need it immediately, but...eventually.

One more thing.

My publishing schedule. 


*throws chair* 

Basically I never update

And when I do it's shit

And It's all unedited because I'm drunk on tiredness

But I put quite a bit of time and effort into my stories, and I'd rather lose three nights of sleep than not get my chapter up in time. I complain and rant a lot, but I do try to put effort into my writing. 

At the beginning of AWU, I updated every Monday. 

That's...obviously not happeneing. Somewhere around the middle I switched to Tuesday, which left me absolutely dead during my fiddle lessons, but worth it all the same. For Forgotten Demons, I'm going to shoot for every other Tuesday, with the exception of this week. I will post the first chapter not tomorrow, but Wednesday, because I have it kinda startedish. 
EDIT: And if I don't update the Tuesday I'm supposed to, I will probably have the chapter up by Thursday

Basically I just need to figure out what the hell needs to happen in the first five chapters and it'll go from there. 

Expect long chapters, lots of cliffies, tons of references, and plenty of shipping.

Speaking of that, let's review what main ships are gon be in this >:)

-LUKTRA (I mean...of course)

-Jasgan (no regrets and it is confirmed that Aiden ships it)

- Axlivia (there was NO Axlivia in AWU and I'm mad at myself)

-Mariden (yyyep)

- Rushdall (actually quite a lot of this)

-Luktra (hehe)

- Goldenflight (yyyyyep)

- lil bit of Evan x Petra (it's important to him so)

- Some Aiden x Lukas (don't look at me like that, it'll make sense when we get there)

- did I mention Luktra (i must've at least once)

- i feel like there's something else i'm forgetting (what is it) 


- and there might be little bits of Mintron, but really not much because she is FURIOUS at him. they need to repair their trust before even thinking about a relationship
of course, that's assuming they both even survive. 

and yeah i think that's all?? I'll edit this if i remember anything i guess ¯\_ツ_/¯

also if you haven't read AWU yet, it won't be crucial to the first couple chapters but then yes


MCSM: Forgotten Demons (sequel to A World Unwound) [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now