~Chapter Twelve~

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hhnnnn this chapter sucks 

I almost forgot I had to do this so I ended up scrambling to finish late on Sunday again

I really need to stop doing that hhnnn

Anyway, this chapter is brought to you by peanut butter, Au/Ra, my complete inability to sleep at night, and three different notebooks

In the previous chapter, Jesse and a few other Authors went to the prison Skybound and released Aaron, while the rest of the Order went back to where they were first attacked to try and find any clues as to where the monsters might be now. They met Becca, the current human guardian of the prison, and she agreed to come with them to defeat the demons before they cause too many problems.

Im still shit at summarizing eehhhh

Also, little heads-up...

RIP Mintron shippers.

Just wait and see.


Kendall's Author power brought herself, Jesse, and the other three Authors right to the entrance of the Order's headquarters. Teleporting several people at once could serve a challenge sometimes, but all of her practicing in the time between when she'd first unlocked her powers and now had definitely paid off.

"I wonder if the rest of the Order are back yet." Athena wondered.

"Probably not. We weren't at the prison that long." Myst replied. Kendall shook her head. "Actually, I've found out that I can occasionally experience some time slippage when I'm teleporting across long distances. It's not too much of a difference, but...yeah."

"Well, let's see." Jesse decided, pushing open the large double doors and slipping inside the building.

They could hear the voices of the others coming from the same room they'd first all met in, laughter and good-naturedly raised voices echoing down the hall. When they glanced inside, the scene that greeted them was something that could really only be described as chaos.

The various chairs and whatnot had been pushed aside, leaving a large open space in the center of the room. Aranna and Star were facing each other in the middle, both holding wooden swords and standing defensively. Aiden was nearby, with his arm lowered between them, calling, "Three...two...one, fight!"

He stepped back quickly as the two Authors lunged for each other. Star quickly created a forcefield around herself, but Aranna had already switched out her wooden sword for her Fish of Knockback, and used it to send the older Author skidding backwards. Star recovered quickly, adjusting her grip on her sword and throwing an invisible wall up in front of Aranna.

"Aranna, you're not supposed to use your own weapons!" Aiden scolded.

"Sorry! I forgot." The ponytailed girl said airily, her expression making it clear she had done nothing of the sort. She tucked her Fish back into her inventory, taking ahold of the wooden sword again.

Star had formed another shield around herself, a shimmering, mostly-transparent bubble to protect her from any attacks. She edged close to Aranna again, the younger girl not making any attempt to get away. When she was near enough to strike, she dropped the shield and lunged forward, but Aranna was ready. She swung her sword up to meet Star's, the two makeshift weapons colliding with the dull sound of wood on wood. She tapped into her Author power, feeling her other arm expand and lengthen, even though from an outside perspective, it didn't look like anything had changed.

MCSM: Forgotten Demons (sequel to A World Unwound) [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now