~Chapter Nine~

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Rush actually updating on time for once?


Yes yes what a shocker I know

didn't edit tho 

This chapter is brought to you by Caravan Palace, zero art motivation, and a lot of sliced cheese.

I feel like I'm spiraling back down into some early depression so I figured I might as well make something good come out of it

And I'm using the term 'good' loosely

Prepare yourselves for a lot of dialogue because I apparently can't write anything without a lot of talking.

And I FINALLY get to write all the Authors again, YEET.


Myst Reidar thoroughly hated waiting.

There were a lot of things the secretive girl disliked, some of those being crowds, heights, and people taking her cookies. But at the moment, waiting outweighed all of those.

She knew she'd gotten to the Portal Network too early for her own good. But for the love of Notch, where were the rest of the Authors?

She huffed an annoyed sigh, shuffling her feet. If she had to wait much longer she was going to end up bolting from one end of the Network to the other, just to let off some steam.

As if in response to her thoughts, an emerald green portal to her left suddenly sparked, and the figure of a teenage girl leaped through it.

Myst straightened up from her position against the wall, carelessly examining the other girl. She had a lot of long, curly, teal hair, and wore a long black coat. She didn't immediately notice Myst's dark form near the wall as she looked up and down the mystical hall, calling, "Uh...Hello? Anyone else...here yet?"

"Hi." Myst said bluntly. The other girl jumped back, looking startled. Her face broke into a slightly sheepish smile when she noticed who had spoken.

"Oh! Myst, hello! Didn't see you there, sorry."

Myst replied with a noncommittal grunt and a slight bob of her dark head. She recognized the other teenager as Minty now, but wasn't feeling extraordinarily sociable.

She sensed rather than saw Minty looking curiously at the bandages covering her feet and right arm, and cut the other girl a gold-eyed glare.

"Is...are none of the other Authors here yet?" Minty asked tentatively.

"Nope." Myst replied coolly, popping the 'p'. The green-eyed girl glanced up and down the hall again. "Huh. Didn't think I was that early..."

Another portal sparked, a bright blue one farther down from where the two girls were. A slightly taller girl in a black furry jacket stepped out, her dark hair swishing as she looked around.

"Athena!" Minty called, waving at her. The other Author smiled and quickly trotted over to them.

"Hey! Long time, no see. Glad I'm not late."

Myst gave her a brief scrutinizing look as Minty replied with something equally cheerful. This girl sure seemed to like the colour black, based on her jacket, leggings, and sneakers. Well, at least Myst now knew what a humanized shadow would look like.

Athena was in the middle of asking, "So are we the only-" when a third portal flashed, this time depositing a rather short girl with a blonde ponytail. She was followed by a large russet dog that started excitedly barking as soon as it caught sight of the other girls.

MCSM: Forgotten Demons (sequel to A World Unwound) [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now