~Chapter One~ (part 5)

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I would've had this up last week but I was busy with stuff nd didn't know how to start this

Also I was focusing on Treehouse, which will hopefully by published soon, as well as maybe FINALLY a new Shattered Souls chapter

However I have discovered that I am complete shit at multitasking soooooooo we'll see

This chapter should clear a few things up tho. At least, I hope it will.

And as per-freaking-usual...UNEDITED :D


The green light that flashed just seconds prior to Jesse's disappearance, was different than the others. Darker, and yet brighter at the same time. A stronger blaze, but a dimmer hue.

Everything was a haze after she landed, rolling to a stop away from the portal that she had been magically flung through. She groaned and tried to get to her feet, but could barely managed to push herself into a sitting position before she collapsed again.

The whole world looked like it was spinning, set in motion by her dizzy mind. Coloured spots appeared in front of her eyes, and black fog was encroaching on the edge of her vison.

Not yet, she willed herself. Don't let go yet.

She closed her eyes, hoping her sight would clear when she opened them. It did, but not for more than a few seconds. She didn't have long.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, Jesse raised her head again and shouted into the night. "HELP! HE-E-E-E-ELP! IS ANYONE...ANYONE OUT THERE?!"

Her meager strength faded fast, and she sat with her head down and eyes closed, panting unevenly as she tried not to pass out.

Not yet, not yet. Hang on, for a few moments more. Either someone will find you...or they won't. Either way...not yet.

"Hello? Can you hear me? Where are you?" A girl's voice asked loudly. Jesse lifted her head once more to see the silhouette of two girls hurrying towards her, illuminated in torchlight. She smiled faintly and called, "Here...I'm here...I need..."

She passed out just as they approached her.


There hadn't even been enough time to scream, when they rose out of the ground, as swift and silent as shadows. Deadly shadows, sure, but shadows nonetheless.

Explosion or earthquake, I didn't know, and it didn't matter. Before the aftershocks had even stopped, the monsters all but flew upwards, sending bits of stone cascading down.

And then they had turned, to attack the nearest living beings. Us.

They managed to split us up, divide us so we couldn't work as a team. Together, they knew, we were strong. But separate us, and we are weak and easily defeated.

Not that easily, though. It takes more than a few mobs to break the Order of the Stone. But these...were not ordinary mobs.

Something came bolting towards me, tall and fast and quite frankly, monstrous. It was black as the surrounding night, with a purple mouth open impossibly wide. It lunged, and I batted it away with my sword. Too eager. It was impatient to kill, and wasn't thinking.

It made a noise somewhere between a howl and a roar, an ear-shattering sound that set every nerve on edge. A replying screech came from the left, presumably from the monster that Petra was battling. I hazarded a glance towards her, and it nearly cost my life as the black Ender-beast attacked again, still howling. I prepared myself, and when it came almost close enough to bite me, I thrust my sword into its mouth and up, piercing the top of the gaping maw.

MCSM: Forgotten Demons (sequel to A World Unwound) [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now