~Chapter Six~

201 19 102

i want death

//unmotivated roaring

Jay-kun202, RikaLuna0u0 heads up, you're in this

Sorry it took me so long to get to this chapter hhnnnn

and i probably don't even need to tell you that i didn't edit, do i?? ugh


The first thing Petra noticed after leaving the alley was how different Ri-Shung looked from Sidra. The buildings were bigger, the streets seemed wider, and the whole place had a much more cultured feel.

Sidra was a small district, on the edge of the city. It was home to mostly individuals like Kiah and Twill, generally younger people with nowhere else to go. Cluttered, dingy streets and slightly dilapidated structures were common, and many of the citizens had a somewhat scrappy look to them.

Ri-Shung, on the other hand, was obviously a bit more well-managed. Petra recalled the girls telling her that this district was known for having the most successful government, which explained it a bit. However, despite the tidy walkways and bright storefronts, a feeling of tension hung heavily over the whole place, an intangible thick quilt of unease.

"I didn't expect it to be this quiet." Twill commented, looking at the few passersby on the cobbled streets. They all moved quickly, with faint expressions of distrust when they noticed other people. Midnight sighed, sounding a bit aggravated. "It's been like that the last few days. As far as I can tell, we're all innocents, but with the other districts gearing up against us, we're also all on edge."

"We're not murderers. No offense, but Ri-Shung is easily the most civilized part of Clarion. Yeah, Lorick and Kyrget mostly have their shit together, but we've got the best system. Which is why all the accusations are causing so much trouble with us." Crash said from behind Petra. She was taking up the rear of the group, with Amelia still leading.

"So forgive me for being nosy and/or ignorant...but what exactly is causing troubles?" Petra asked, aiming the question to Amelia. The younger redhead grumbled. "The murder of the Nelet ambassador. He came here looking for improvements to our trade system with them, and even though that all went well, someone killed him just before he left. He was found somehow still alive, all but ripped apart and bleeding out on the ground. He died before anyone was able to give him any form of help, which also meant there was no leads to his attacker. The Neletans went ballistic, demanding that the Ri-Shung officials find the murderer immediately. Then one of them presented the, rather absurd in my opinion, idea that the Ri-Shung leaders were behind it, to avoid having to give up anything else for trade."

"Now, that sounds ridiculous to us, but in Nelet, it's all about possessions and wealth. Thoroughly corrupt." Midnight added in a snide tone. "Of course, our leaders denied it -how could they not, it was a completely moronic idea- but Nelet decided that was just more proof."

"Then where do Iir and Lorick come in?" Jay asked. Another sigh from Midnight. "Nelet got the bright idea that if they got 'the scary district' on their side of the argument, Ri-Shung would admit to the murder. That just pissed off our leaders, though, so they went looking for support from Lorick. Borders are getting more defined, trust is being undermined, and patience is growing thinner. I have a bad feeling that one thing, one tiny incident, would be enough to put everyone over the edge and send all of Clarion into an inter-city war."

"And that's without the mistrust inside districts." Crash put in. "There are people in Ri-Shung that believe the leaders were behind the murder, as well as some in Nelet that know we're innocent. So if war really were to break out, it'd be hell to figure out who's side everyone's on."

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