~Chapter One~ (part 2)

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It's all a blur. What's happening?

"Lift him up, c'mon, we don't want to hurt him any worse than he already is. Ava, you're not being a whole lot of help."

Where am I? I think I'm unconscious. Then how am I moving?

"I know, I know! I'm sorry!"

"Holy shit, how did this even-"

What happened? Who's carrying me? Why can't I move?

"Question it later, Bren! We need to get him to safety, now!"

I think I recognize that voice. But my head hurts too much to think...everything hurts too much. I can't hold on...

"Where should we take him? We don't exactly have a doctor in this town, much less one that can deal with something like THIS!"

"My place. It's close, we have that extra room, and I think Lyn can patch him up. Quick, guys come on."

Loud knocking. Then...

"Who's there?!"

"Maya, open the freaking door. You won't believe what happened."

"What? I thought you were out on guard duty with the twins. How do I-"


"Jeez, fine. What could-holy SHIT! Is that LUKAS?! HOW DID-WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!"

"We need to get him inside and bandage his wounds, now. Where's Lyn? If she's not-"

"I'm coming I'm coming, even though it's the middle of the night. I swear, you guys have no idea what 'quiet' means. Oh, hi Ava, Bren. Haven't seen you guys in a while. What's going on? Who-what the hell."

"I don't know! We can lay him down here, Bren. Thanks for helping, guys."

"It's okay. I would offer to stay and help, but, er, I don't think I can cope with that much blood."

"Don't worry. I think I can handle this. Maya, go get every bandage you can find. Aiden, you help me get his armor off so I can see how bad these wounds are."

"Got it. See ya later, Ava."

"Keep us informed, 'kay?"

A door slamming closed. Footsteps coming down stairs.

"Wha...what's going on, guys? Is Aiden back?"

"Gill, go back to bed."

"What? Why? What's going on?"

"First of all, I have no idea. Second, we all know how you are with blood. You're even worse than Bren, and he could hardly handle to help me and Ava get him here."


"Really long, weird, story short, me and the twins found this person on the outskirts of town, literally dying in a pool of blood. Then we look closer and we see that it's Lukas. Do not EVEN ask me how or why!"

"I'm not sure if I believe you or not, but okay."

"I don't even believe me!"

"Aiden, you're not helping. Maya where-oh good."

"How did this happen?! Look at those bruises!"

"I can't tell if something tried to strangle him or rip him apart. Actually, knowing Lukas, it was probably both."

"Less talk, more help, please."

"I can't believe his armor isn't totally shredded. It looks a little worse for wear, but not too bad."

"Of course the Order would have the best of all best armor. Ow! What was that for?"

"Now is not the time for your stupid jealousies. Maya, go check the potion chest for a Sleeping Potion. I want to make sure he stays unconscious until I'm finished with the bandages."

"Here. We also have several Healing Potions...?"

"Those'll have to wait until after he wakes up. By Notch, what happened?! He's damn lucky to be alive."

"Do you think he'll be alright?"


"Marilan. Is he going to survive this?"

"Probably. I can't say for certain until I-Oh my NOTCH!"


"Look at this! What it...it's almost a pattern. It looks like a, I don't know, a rope burn, but a thousand times worse."

"There's another one on his arm. It's from a vine, I think. With, I dunno, thorns or claws or something like that."

"For the love of-I know the Order goes on some crazy adventures, but how did this happen? Did they manage to get attacked by a gigantic evil thornbush?! Ow, Lyn stop it."

"This is no time for joking around! How can you not see how serious this is!"

"Yes it's serious. But it doesn't make SENSE! What if whatever did this comes after us?! How did he end up here?! And where's the rest of the Order?!"

"Aiden, I swear to Notch if you have a panic attack right now..."

"I'm not, I'm not! I just want to know what happened."

"We all do. If he wakes up and is fine, we'll be able to ask him."

"Did you just say 'IF'?!"

"When! When, I meant when he wakes up. I'm sure he'll be okay. I got the worst of the wounds bandaged, and it looks like he's not bleeding as much. I wish Ava didn't have to go; she's better with potions than I am."

"Shh, Lyn, you're fine. Thank Notch we have you, right? The rest of us would have no idea what to do."

"Well you got him here, right? I just...I'll be really relieved when we find out how this happened. Something about this whole thing just feels wrong."

"Huh! Yes it feels wrong! Let's see. We manage to find one of our friends, a LEGENDARY HERO, no less, bleeding to death on the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE WORLD of where he's supposed to be! And wait a minute, he's been attacked by what seems like a THORNBUSH! Yes Marilan, that's best described as wrong!"

"Maya, calm the fuck down. You are not helping. And what-"

"No, she's right; that was a dumb thing to say. It's just-argh. I was not expecting to wake up to this."


"Ha. No kidding. Like of all the possible disasters..."


"Like I said, I'll be really happy to know how this happened. Poor Lukas; I swear it seems like everything happens to him. Well, from what I've heard, anyway."

"GUYS. Would you SHUT UP and listen to me?"

"Freakin' hell, Aiden! Fine, what?"

"Thank you. How did we not think about this earlier? If Lukas wound up here, terribly injured no less, ridiculously far away from where he's supposed to be...what happened to the rest of the Order?"


Ahahahaha I fucking love the Blaze Rods srry for not posting yesterday gotta go to work byeeeeeeee

Word count: 1108

MCSM: Forgotten Demons (sequel to A World Unwound) [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now