~Chapter Four~

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Hi this chapter is a mess and i only read through it twice so know knows how many mistakes you'll find, whether grammatical or plot-related

plottical?? ugh i haven't slept properly since september


But on the upside, I've completely planned out this story now, so I know what's gonna happen in each chapter and how to get where I'm trying to go

Biiiiiig weight off my shoulders


Lukas was all but comatose for two days. Forty-eight hours of monster-induced unconsciousness. It took a long time for his mind to churn itself back into wakefulness, and when he finally did, it wasn't all of his own accord.

"Lukas...I know you probably can't hear me right now, but I'm gonna talk to you anyways."

It was a girl's voice, worry reducing it to barely more than a whisper. "You might not even wake up, and I know that, but I can't help it. You gotta be okay, Lukas. You just have to. I don't...you can't die again. Not now, not like this."

He knew that voice. He knew it well. He'd heard that voice nearly every day for years, at least before circumstances changed. But why did she sound so far away? Her voice echoed in his head, and he could hardly perceive her words.

Lukas stirred slightly. Just a subtle movement, a small change of position, but it didn't go unnoticed. The girl sat up straighter, searching his face for signs of life. "Lukas? Are you...can you hear me?" She laid on hand on his arm.

He groaned softly and half-opened his eyes, glints of blue glancing out under tired lids. "...Maya?" Lukas asked quietly, his voice rasping uncomfortably. He was still having difficulties with shoving his way past the clouds fogging his brain, but not for lack of effort.

Maya took in a small breath, her normally indifferent expression melting into one of surprise and relief. "You're okay."

"Mnh. I think 'okay' is relative." Lukas muttered, trying to push himself into a sitting position and giving up halfway.

"Oh my Notch you're alive. You're okay." Maya breathed, putting her other hand over her heart. She started to lean over to hug him, but then thought better of it. "I thought...I was so worried you weren't gonna wake up."

"Well, that's awful optimistic." Lukas said, forcing a small smile that slipped away quickly. "What...what happened? How did I get here? Where the hell even am I?"

Maya sat on the edge of the bed, scooting close so she could face him. The relieved expression had faded slightly, letting her worry show through. "We don't know, Lukas. We found you just outside the town border...dying."

"Dying." Lukas echoed. He lifted a hand to absent-mindedly touch the thick bandage on his neck and was rewarded by a feeling of dull agony. He looked at the back of his hand, then his arm, which was covered by another bandage. Hints of a large bruise mottled most of the visible skin.

"Yes. Bruised, wounds like something'd tried to rip you apart, facedown on the ground in a puddle of your own blood." She told him quietly, as though her soft tone could ease the harsh memory.

"But then what...?" he started to ask again, but Maya shook her head. "I don't know. We didn't see any signs of a fight around there, just you. It's almost as though you materialized there."

Lukas frowned. As you hopefully already know, he had no memories of such a fight. They were wiped clean, destroyed surer than patterns of smoke in a breeze. He lifted his head again, meeting her eyes.

MCSM: Forgotten Demons (sequel to A World Unwound) [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now