The Return

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A few hours had past with no sign of Haru. He told the house he'd be back soon but "soon" felt like forever. I hadn't taken anytime for myself since vacation 2 months ago. I was on week 17 and the morning sickness was calming down. Not that it even happened in the morning it was usually the afternoon when I would be sick. I had a doctors appointment for the pregnancy to see how things were going.

    The ride to the hospital was actually kind of fun. Everybody was coming since no one could contact Haru. Today would be the first time I would hear the baby's heartbeat. I haven't gone to the hospital too often since we don't live close but I've had a doctor listen to my stomach.

    When Doctor Jin Miro helped me into my bed he was kind. He even asked where the father was. I said that he wasn't here and that I didn't know where he was but that the boys were here to keep me company. Dr. Miro asked if I preferred cold gel or warm gel. I chose warm because I was cold enough in the doctors office. The gel was warm and comforting I think I even felt the baby move with this. He took out the transducer and placed it on my lower stomach. Ian held my hand and I squeezed it at the slight uncomfortableness of the probe.
"Look." Said the doctor. He stepped out of the way to show a small curled up fetus. "Here let me see," he moved the probe around a bit,"ah there it is. Would you like to know the sex of your babies?" He must've been confused,"I'm only having one." He chuckled. "No ma'am. There's another baby." I asked for him to write it down and give it to Oliver because I wanted a gender reveal party. "Haru showed me some videos on the computer of people doing those parties and I thought it would be cute. I'm thinking a colored cake. So when I cut in ill see a color and I'll know the gender of the babies." He nodded saying he's known people to do that. Finally, he wiped of my stomach and helped me off the table. I hadn't even taken the time to look at my own stomach. It really had grown in size. There was a big bump.

      Haru was on his way home. He said my words meant something and that he didn't ignore what I said. The boys sent me to my room and invited people they've done business with. There was a ring on the phone. "Hello?" Said an unfamiliar voice. "Hi. You must be looking for the boys I'll take the phone to them." I stood up ready to go down stairs but I heard, "actually I was wondering if you were the pregnant woman?" I laughed, "Quite the introduction there. Yes this is Rose. May I help you?" *click* The call was ended by the other person. Weird.

     I got out of the shower and went to get dressed. The coldness of the bedroom made me shiver. On top of that I was starving. The doctor had told me I needed to double my calorie intake and that being hungry was going to be my new normal.

     I curled up my hair into very tight curls before going to get a snack. I had a party planned for tomorrow and could smell a cake cooking. I walked to the top of the stairs,"May I come get a snack?" Haru walked around the doorway into my line of sights with a bowl of fruit and a shopping bag. "We emailed and posted about the party. Sorry I was gone for so long. I can't believe we're having twins. That's so crazy to me. Tomorrow we both find out the genders. Oliver and Ian are the only ones who know. These are for you." He handed me both items on the stairs and then walked into the guest room upstairs. I followed him. I missed my old room. The colors and the scent were so soft. "The boys want to turn this into the nursery. It's next to our room and it's big enough." I smiled and rubbed my stomach. I picked out an apple slice and started eating fruit. "Open the bag Rose," he said. I pulled out a teddy bear with a bow tied around its stomach. "It's for you not the babies. Oh and I bought you a laptop." My jaw dropped, "Really?! Oh my god!" He laughed, "It's in the car. I just wanted to let you know that we invited everyone that could come to party tomorrow." I didn't really know anybody but I thought this would be a great way to get to meet people. The only people I know are very close friends of the boys and other pregnant women from my doctor visits. "Yea there's about 80 people coming." I about spit out my fruit, "80 people? And they're all coming for the babies?" He grabbed my hand and held it in his, " Not just for the babies but also for the mother of my two children." I looked at him with wide eyes, "You're not gonna ask me to marry you are you?" He laughed and said that we absolutely were not ready. It was a relief.

Standing in the empty room that used to be a guest room, my room, I could picture my two babies in their crib crying waiting for us to comfort them. "I can't wait to know the genders." I said that with the biggest
smile I've had in a while. "Well it's late and you should sleep. I'll see you in the morning." He said leaving the room. "You're not coming to bed?" He turned and looked at me a little puzzled, "Do you want me to come sleep in our room?" Wasn't it obvious? The last thing I would want is to be alone. I simply nodded and we walked to our room. Haru placed his arm over me and placed his hand on my belly. "Hey, I love you Ro- OH!" One of the babies moved while he was talking. "They do that a lot. They do it when I sing too. They like Ian and Oliver's voices too. It's actually funny until they kick my insides around." I sat up and put both of his hands on my stomach. "Watch this...
🎶 I call it magic
I call it true
I call it magic
When I'm with you.

And I just got broken
Broken into too..." (Magic by Coldplay)
One of the babies moved making Haru drop his jaw. "W-was that the other one?" His whisper tone was so cute I giggled a little. "Yeah. I think we might raise a music lover and a book reader or maybe a writer." He moved closer to my stomach and started speaking, "Hey my babies. I'm just here to tell you that you have a beautiful mom and I don't know how she ended up with a fool like me- ow!" I smacked him and laughed. "Like I said. But you need to know, no matter what happens with your mother, I will always love you guys. All three of you." I smiled and kissed his forehead.

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