The Party

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    The morning started off easy. I helped the boys clean the house even though half the time they were telling me to just rest. I couldn't rest! I was about to have a party thrown for me and I was going to meet a lot of people I've never seen before. It was scary to say the least. I was cleaning off the counter when I heard the doorbell ring. I shot a quick look to the clock which read 11:29am. A hour and a half before the party was supposed to start. "Who is it?" Yelled Parker from upstairs. "I don't know. Let me get the door." I walked into to main hallway and opened the front door. "SURPrrise?" The extremely enthusiastic surprise was faded when these people saw me. Before me stood three women and two men. "You must be Rose. Correct?" Said one of the men in the back. I smiled, "I am. Who are you all?" He replied that they were all close friends and wanted to beat lunch traffic so they came early. "Well, I'm the one having the twins. It's very nice to meet you all. We were just finishing cleaning if you want to go to the living room. The kitchen has snacks and drinks so help yourselves." I walked up the stairs and grabbed Haru, pulling him into a very tight hug. "How do you guys do this? I've met five people and I feel like I'm going to lose my mind!" He put his hands on the sides of my face, cupping my cheeks, and said, "Babe. Just relax. Socialize a little. These people are practically your family now. You have nothing to be afraid of. They don't know much about you and vice versa so all you have to do is ask." I made a puppy dog face, "but you and these babies are my family. By the way, what do you think the genders are?" He smiled and took a minute to think, "Definitely girls. There's so many hormones that I feel like I'm suffocating." I play punched him in the arm and laughed. "Really? I think it's they might be boys." He laughed and said we would just have to wait and see.

    I was changing into a sweater and leggings when I realized how cold it was. I put on fuzzy socks and boots to keep the heat in but even in my own home I was cold. I did some quick light makeup. Nothing heavy just a little mascara. I had been upstairs for 30 minutes and was tired. Not sleepy tired but worried tired. I stepped across the hall for a quick moment to use the restroom before heading down the stairs. There was probably twenty more people in the house by now. Presents were stacked in the living room and food was placed on the dinning table. I couldn't help but make a small plate for myself. I greeted some new guest and ate two finger sandwiches. Everyone was nice and was enjoying conversation. A soft music played in the background on the television. Out on the back porch there were even more people. They were sitting on the patio furniture sipping on some drinks. Most baby showers are for women only but this wasn't just a baby shower. This was more like a friends and family get together. "Hey love, have you met my mother before?" I turned back into the kitchen to talk to Haru. "I don't believe I have. Nice to meet you...?" She noticed my pause,"Oh of course! My name is Ayana, but you can call me mother." She hugged me and I could see Haru snickering over her shoulder. "Hey mom (chuckle) maybe you should give her some space? This is her first time meeting everyone." She stepped backing letting out a loud 'oh'. Haru pulled me off to the side. It was kind of loud with everyone here. "Hey guess what." "What?" I said. "Everyone else has is here now. It's 52 people total." My jaw dropped. "Holy... That's a lot of people." "Well there was supposed to be more but they couldn't make it." I walked back into the living room following Haru's lead. Everyone was there including Zehn. "Well I do believe it's time for presents!" Haru yelled excitedly.

      Presents went by quickly. There was so many presents and a lot of useful things. There was clothes, diapers, bottles, toys, blankets, and even stuff for us. For the last present Haru brought in a beautiful grey crib. We had talked before with the doctor who said it would be alright for the twins to sleep together for a little while, until they could move and wiggle more. Then it was time for the slicing of the cake. This was going to reveal one of the babies gender. Me and Haru walked over the back of the table and people filled in the room and hallway. Parker handed us a knife and we both put a hand on the handle. His on top of mine. We cut down one side but the icing was in the way. We finished slicing down the other side and removed the piece of cake to reveal a light shade of blue. We cried and hugged each other as everyone in the room cheered and clapped. For the second baby they filled a black balloon with glitter the color of the gender. This time I held the balloon and Haru used the pin. The glitter exploded onto us both spewing little blue specs everywhere. I continued crying. Twin boys!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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