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(Credit to the YouTuber who made these animations)Ok watch the videos if you want before reading or if you like watch it after you read the chapter 😄

You woke up at took a shower then you went to watch your favorite tv show (name of the show).

You were startled by a knock on your door and realize it was Min Yoongi to hangout with you.

"You ready?" Yoongi asked

"Yeah just let me grab a sweater" you grab (fav color sweater) and left, you didn't realize the hidden paparazzi in their van neither did Yoongi.

You and Yoongi went to a park near your house. Yoongi and you made it to a bench at the park,both of you looked at the ducks in the pond.

(Paparazzi followed you and Yoongi to the park and kept taking pictures).

You tried to cover you eyes to block the sunlight but couldn't, Yoongi tap your shoulder and handed his sunglasses.

"Here" he said with a smile as he handed it to you.

" T-thank you" you said as you put them on

You and Yoongi went to a cafe near the park and grab some food to eat.
" I-I didn't bring any mon- before you can finish Yoongi cut you off

" Don't worry I'll pay"
he gave you the cutest smile that can warm anyone's heart but it was different to you, you can tell the difference between the smile he gave you know and the one he gives to his fans.

You gave a smile back with a tint of blush on your cheeks.

" Hey umm (y/n) would you like to meet the others?"

He broke the small silence between you both

You were shocked on what he said You stutter on your words
" Y-You s-sure I-i don't want t-to be a b-bother"

" No not at all,you should come over please" he gave you the most adorable smile and puppy dog eyes.

You agreed and he jump like a little child. You smiled as you left, you felt weird every time he would smile. You both stand up and left out of the cafe.

You thought to your self "Does he love me?" Do I love him" What do I think of him? Would the others accept me hanging out with him and the rest of them

You were lost in your thoughts and didn't realize Yoongi holding your wrist leading you to his car which he left at a parking lot away from the cafe and park,you had your hoodie on to cover your face. You guys made it to the car and went to the dorm

*Time skip to The BTS Dorm*

You both arrived at the dorm as you walk in you were greeted by all of the boys
" Hey Yoongi who's this?" Hoseok asked with a warm smile.

Yoongi said Back "This is (y/n) (l/n) and I saw at her first so back off" Surprise at Yoongi's last sentence you look at your shoes and blush a dark red on your cheeks.

The rest of the boys said Hi to you and said hi back, Seokjin ask you to help with dinner and you accept the offer and help Seokjin with dinner since your parents where great chefs but never rose to fame cause they had offers but denied them due to the many attention to you needed when you were a baby.

You and Seokjin finish dinner and Seokjin told you to call the boys as he prepared to serve the food and pointed to a hallway where there were many doors which had the names of the boys on a label you went to NamJoon's door since it was the first one after you went to the last door which was Yoongi you lightly knock on his door and he opened it with a smile on his face

"Hey (y/n) what do you need?"

"O-Oh umm dinners ready"

"Great" he said back and came out he was in front of you and you followed behind him, there was a seat left between Hoseok and Yoongi so you're in the middle.

Yoongi Thanked Seokjin for the dinner but he said back

"Don't thank me only (y/n) help to she's a great cook"

Yoongi widen his eyes and look at you, you saw a hint of pink on his cheek as he heard the news

"T-thank you for the meal (y/n) it was delicious"

you smiled and Thanked him for the compliment he gave you on your cooking. You got up and said to them

"Well thanks for dinner but I have to get back to my place"

you reach the door but Yoongi stoped you before you can turn the knob
"Let me drive you home"

he offered,you accepted it and went into his car as he drives you home you fell asleep as you waited to get to your house he looks at the corner of his and mumbles to himself "Cute"

he arrived at your house and he got out and woke you up and he carried you bridal style as he took your keys out of your bag and unlock it and he carried you to your room and set you in your bed and pull a blanket over you he then smiled at you as a little curled ball in the warm blanket and whispered to himself "Cute,Goodnight (y/n)" he left and drove home
Edited make sure to vote if your new Thanks❤️

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