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Flash back (3rd person pov)
"Hello we are (group name) I'm Ji su" "I'm mi sun" "I'm ji yeon" "I'm Lee (y/n)" "I'm Ji hee"
Ji su-main rapper oldest
Mi sun-co dancer and vocalist second youngest
You-leader & main dancer and main vocalist,youngest
Ji hee-rapper dancer and second oldest
"I'm (y/n) and I'm the youngest and the leader and the main dancer and I'm also the main vocalist"

Ji su- "I'm Ji su and im the main rapper and the oldest of the group

Mi sun- I'm the second youngest and I help with the choreography and I'm vocalist

Ji hee-I'm a rapper and dancer and second oldest

Host- welcome thank you for introducing yourselves and let's start with a question I have before we move to the fan question

Host-(y/n) as the youngest is it hard to be the leader and the one being getting tease from the other ladies and your also American right?

Y:yes, it's hard to deal with the stress of the leader but then get tease from the others making me more stress but as the leader I feel like they should at least respect me and yes I'm American

Host-ok great to know ok the first fan question, here it goes its for Ji su it states "Ji su if your the oldest shouldn't you be the one in charge of the group"

Ji su- yes indeed I am the oldest but have you ever seen a group with the youngest as the leader plus (y/n) is the best dancer and singer than me to be honest

Host-great to know
After some questions for the girls the last question was for you

Host-Ok the last question is for you (y/n)


Host- it says: what would happen to the band if (y/n) leaves or gets kick out would she be replace or is she going to continue on without any fame and be forgotten and continue with her studies

Y-oh my god that sounds harsh a bit but if I did get kicked out or be replace I will continue on with my life and probably do better than what I'm doing now and maybe go on as a soloist
few moths after the interview
Your pov in the flashback
"You called me PD-Min"
Pd-yes (y/n) I have been talking and I seen how you and the girls been acting and I have been talking to them but I don't know how to say this...
Ji su- "I'll happily do that for you PD-Min"
I see ji su with the worst fake smile I can't tell she super happy I just glared at her and she just smile happily about me getting kicked out
Pd Min- (y/n) we need you to leave and if you refuse then I will kick you out

You-fine by me I just can't wait until you guys flop without me

I went to the door and before I exited I told something to ji su

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