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It was 5 months later since you and Yoongi started dating

I wake up to a buzz from my phone and realize it was unknown number " Gm (y/n) it's Hoseok can you meet me at the dorms garden? Tysm, Hoseok" I replied and went to get ready to meet him
•••••••••••time skip••••••••••••••••
I went to the garden and met Hoseok "Morning Hoseok" I said "Morning (y/n) I really need your help" I started to fangirl saying "JIiiiiiiinnn" he chuckled "Yeah" while he was rubbing the back of his neck " I was planning something special for him since it's our 2 year anniversary" I winded my eyes "2 FREAKING YEARS HOSEOK!!!!" " shhh you'll wake up kookie" he pointed to the window by the garden "Oh sorry, what are you planning to do?" I asked "I was talking with namjoon on what I should buy him and he suggested a promise ring" I stood there in shock and thinking it through " THAT SOUNDS AMAZINGLY ADORABLE!!!" I scream out but then quickly cover my mouth remembering kookie "Great then that's what it will be, (y/n) can please please please help me" "Of course" I said excitedly giving him a tight hug "Come on we have to go quick" I said "Okay okay don't be so quick" "sorry it's just to adorable"
•••••••••••time skip••••••••••••••••
H:"Ok so where do we start?
Y:I say we go and buy a stuffie or we can go get the ring first
H: umm let's start with the stuffie
Y: Okay!
Me and Hoseok made it to the most adorable shop and we found the most adorable bear ever

I wake up to a buzz from my phone and realize it was unknown number " Gm (y/n) it's Hoseok can you meet me at the dorms garden? Tysm, Hoseok" I replied and went to get ready to meet him•••••••••••time skip••••••••••••••••I went to the garden and m...

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H:how about this one?
H:Oh no!
Y: *I give a big grin & inhale deeply* AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!
H: ok next time I need to have ear buds or else you will ruin my hearing
Y:Sorry :)
*in the jewelry store*
Y:how about this one? I pointed out the most beautiful promise ring ever

H: it's amazing what does it say?Y: "I will always love you"(a/n): ik it doesn't say that but let's just pretend)on both of the ringsHoseok calls over the lady working there to see the rings closely H: Those rings pleaseL:Great choice She pulled t...

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H: it's amazing what does it say?
Y: "I will always love you"(a/n): ik it doesn't say that but let's just pretend)on both of the rings
Hoseok calls over the lady working there to see the rings closely
H: Those rings please
L:Great choice
She pulled them out and I look at them closely with Hoseok
L: Is the rings for both of you?
Y: OH no no I came her to help him for his boyfriend
L: I see
H: what do you think? (Y/n)?
Y: I think he'll love it
Hoseok phone rang "Hello?" Oh hey" ok I'll get it but you owe me
L: just these?
H:yes... (y/n) can you go to the car and grab me my portable charger
Y: Sure:)
•••••••••••Hoseok POV•••••••••••••
I sent (y/n) to get my charge even though I don't need it I got a call from Yoongi to pick up a some rings he picked out for (y/n) a week ago "Miss I'm her to pick up some rings for a friend named Min Yoongi" "Let me see" "Oh yes he said he wasn't going to pick it up and he said a Sir name Mr.Hoseok was going to pick it up "Yes that is me" "ok just same sign here please and I'll get the rings" she went to the back and got the ring I look at them they were suited them as a couple it was adorable and was magnificent

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