Chp 15

30 7 0

The day of the reunion

"Yoongi you really want to go?"

Y: "Yes is it bad to accompany my fiancé?"


Y: "then I'm able to go"

I sigh in defeat


"Just wear something nice at least"

Y: "sure whatever"

I head out to go to the bathroom but it's locked

"JUSTIN!!!! Really now!! The guest room has its own bathroom"

Mom has turned Justin's room like her own world sort of like a man cave but for women

J: "can't you wait a bit longer?!!!"

He shouts through the door

"The reunion starts at eight and I have to finish getting ready"

Just in time Justin comes out of the bathroom

J; "here happy now"

M: "ahhh just like when you two were just so young"

"Really mom"

M:"yes and I told you to watch your tone"

"Mom I'm not 12 anymore now can you please let me finish getting ready"

M: " fine"

With she left. I finish my hair and my light makeup and I went downstairs


Your hair same style but in your hair color

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Your hair same style but in your hair color

Your hair same style but in your hair color

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