The date

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You wake up to a loud knock on your door you get up lazy from your bed you hear a deep voice
"Miss (l/n) you have 9 minutes to get ready" "For wha-" you stop yourself and you remember today is sunday "Okay" so you went to take a shower, you wore a nice white blouses and some ripped jeans you pack a nice white dress just in case. You opened the door and find instead of the man with a deep voice you saw Yoongi waiting for you "You look beautiful(y/n)"
"T-thanks, you look handsome" you said as a hint of blush on your cheeks he pulled out a hand.You take his hand you two start to walk to the (car or limo u ppl choose) you notice you and Yoongi are still holding hands you lay your head on his is shoulder
•••••••••••Yoongi's POV •••••••••••
I smiled at (y/n) as she laid her head onto my shoulder,I gave her a small kiss on her head we were close to Big Hit where we usually meet with the others before the shoot "(y/n) we're here" I said softly "Oh really that fast?" "Yes you were being an adorable little puppy when you were sleeping"I said as I chuckle and feel my cheeks getting warm "Come on we have to go meet the others inside" I opened the door to see paparazzi taking pictures as usual but what they were all waiting for someone or something else come out of the (car or limo) I didn't realize that they were focus on (y/n) and I holding hands we get away from the paparazzi and went inside we went to where the boys and I meet but as always Jimin is always late I see that (y/n) is watching a vid on clevver news I decide to watch too
C: So what's up with the unknown girl Suga was hanging out with a few weeks ago Well we got new information on her now on clevver news
C: Crystal Rodriguez her with new information about the unknown girl
C: This "unknown girl" seems just to be girl in crowd latest photo and news about her is her name is (y/n) *as crystal says ur name a photo of you shows up*
C: it looks like (y/n) is wearing Mr.Suga's Black hoddie, tmz tweeted this last night saying
"This girl Yoongi is out with is just an average girl in the crowd, is Min Yoongi falling for her or is just a basic lucky fan/ARMY"
C: We just got a new photo of (y/n) and Yoongi it looks like they're holding hands?!?!
C: Ok that was fast let's know what you guys think about (y/n) and Yoongi, do you think their dating? Or not? Let's know in the comments below
•••••••••••••your POV ••••••••••••••
(Authors note I'm just going to do the rest of the book in first person for you readers expect in dialogue)
I listen to the video completely and didn't realize that Yoongi was watching with me "Yoongi?!?!"I jumped as I turn around to meet him straight in the eyes he soon starts sayings as he hugged me tight "I don't care about what they say about us cause your the one who brings me to life, someone who I can rely on, someone who fills me with so much joy in my life when you smile your my light my sunshine, my world,my everything I don't care what the public thinks all I know is that I will always love you with all my heart" he pulls away and comes close our lips connect exploded into a loving, caring,passionate kiss "(Y/n) I know I was planning on giving you this on our date late but here"
He holds out a dark blue squared box shape to pull out a half a heart bracelet "Y-Yoongi i-I love it Thank you" I started to cry tears of joy as I realize I do love him not jimin. "Here I'll put it on for you" he puts it on my left wrist and rolls up his right sleeve I find the other half the heart he brings his closer and it becomes a full heart "Yoongi thank you" I went closer and hugged him tight and gave him a kiss,we were so caught in the moment that we didn't see Jin and Hoseok fangirling and I can tell they were screaming inside they finally let it out "AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!"
J:Hoseok hold me I think I'm going to faint
H: stop over reacting
J:*fake faints*
Rap mon:🙄
H: You guys are so cute together
V: mumbles to self poor chim chim
R.M: what was that Tae?
V: N-nothing!
R.M: okay...
J:Where's chim chi- Jin was cut of by Jimin
Jm: I'm here
H: Jimin you just miss something so cute and ADORABLE
Jm:What was it?
H: Yoongi just gave (y/n) the bracelet he and Jin pick out for (y/n)
Y: Wait what? ( y is you the reader)
S: Well Jin helped me pick it out for you
Y: Thanks for helping Yoongi Jin
J: you welcome
Rm: (y/n) you seem to gather a bit of fame for yourself
Y: Hmm?
S: Yeah you di-
Yoongi was cut of by the photographer coming in
P: Good morning boys how are you all doing today
BTS: Morning Marcel
M:And who is this young lady here in Min Yoongi's hands?
J:Oh this is (y/n) we have met her at a fan meet up and she has been talking with Suga for a while and he has invited Miss (y/n) for the shoot
M:Ok wonderful this will look great
Everyone looks at Marcel
M: it will great if I can get a photo of you two together then it will be amazing
H: and don't forget adorable
M: Yeah yeah ok chop chop go and get ready
They soon went into the dressing room
I hear marcel yell
F1: Yes marcel
M: go find What miss (y/n) can wear
F1: who?
M: the girl right there
Marcel points at me and I give a little wave
F1: OMG finally I can give someone a dress
F1: MISS (Y/N) we have to get you ready
She pulls your arm in excitement
F1: call me Diana I'm going to be your fashionista for the day and you can call me up just Incase to help with your outfits and go shopping and to hangout
Y: Sounds great
D: wonderful
You both arrive at an seem to be empty dressing room but when Diana turns on the light there are all shorts of outfits
D: I'll pick out some and you can pick your own
Y: OMG there's so many to choose from this puts my dress to waste
D: what dress?
I pull out the dress I had just in case
Y: I wish it had a long flowing back and at the front it's short
D: I can do that
Y: REALLY?!? I winded my eyes
D:Yeah and in fact I think I have one
Diana goes through the rack of dresses and finds the dress

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