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The weeding day

Your dress ⬇️

Your dress ⬇️

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The vale

And now the story

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And now the story

Authors pov

It was finally the day of your wedding and you were now in the dressing room getting ready.(b/n) was helping you with your dress along with your mother. (B/n) was your maid of honor while jasmine was the flower girl and while Dylan,jasmine step brother, was the ring man

•At the ceremony •after vows cause I can think of any vows •

Priest: "little man can we get the ring"

Priest: "(y/n) grab one of the rings"

Priest: "(y/n) repeat after me, I take this ring to love and cherish to forever hold the love I have for you"

"I take this ring to love and to cherish to forever hold the love I have for you"

You place the ring on Yoongi right hand

Priest: "Yoongi..."

The priest was cutoff by Yoongi himself

"I take this ring to love and to cherish to forever hold the love I have for you"

Priest: "ok now do you Min Yoongi take (y/n) as your wife to love and to care in sick and death"

(A/n: probably did that backwards xD)

Yg: "I do"

Priest: "(y/n)...."

"I do"

Priest: "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride"

Ok time for recap

You and Yoongi have gotten married and had 2 children called
Kevin and Leo

Leo is 20 and he's the owner of his own businesses he hires recruits to be dancers

As for Kevin he joined the navy and become the head general

A/n: hi uh if you had this book for way back then I just changed the name of the kids ~12/18/18

Thank you so so much being patient with me and supporting this book please vote on this chapter and the others also read my new books Missing you this book is completed also read Demon and read Lost

Thank you for reading

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