Chapeter 7

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You wake up in someone's warm arms hugging you close to them.Your vision is blurry but then your eyes adjusted to your surroundings and realize you where cuddled up with Yoongi in his room, you can't help but smile at the sleeping Yoongi

He slightly open his eyes and kissed your forehead and smile at you "I'm going to go to the kitchen to find something to eat" he loses his grip on you and you leave him to sleep.

You went into the kitchen to find Jimin in the kitchen making coffee "Morning (y/n), would you like some coffee?" "Yeah sure, thanks Jimin" you said as you yawned after your sentence " Jimin is there any eggs in the fridge?" "Yeah,(y/n) the middle shelf" "Thanks" you prepare yourself (whatever you eat that involves eggs) you finish and clean your plate and decided to make an omelette for Yoongi.
(What you think you would put in an omelette ) You bring the omelette to Yoongi's room.He sat up when he smelled the amazing omelette you made for him. "(Y/N)!! You made this for me!!" "Yeah it took a while but it looks good" "I-i n-never had anyone done this for me"he admires the omelette you made him, he grabs the fork and knife you set on the tray and cuts the omelette and tastes it.

"(Y/N)!!! THIS IS AMAZING, IT'S SOOO DELICIOUS, I LOVE IT TYSM" Yoongi says in excitement like he had never tasted anything like this in his life

He finished the omelette and got up to hug you and he picked you up and he kissed you on your head and said " You are a amazing chef (y/n) you have to show me how to cook like that" "I'll try" you said with a smile

"I'm going to let you change ok"
"K" you left and went to the kitchen to help to make breakfast for the rest , Jimin help you out with sausage , coffee , and a few cookies , and cupcake while you were cooking the bacon, pancakes, eggs and (whatever you would eat), Jimin was mixing the cupcake batter and dip is finger and put the on you nose you try to lick it with tongue just to play around but you couldn't. Jimin starts to laught at your silliness you try to do the same again but he lift you up  "JIMIN PUT ME DOWN" you say with a bit of laughter in you voice "Nope"he said with an innocent smile. He put you somewhere far away from the kitchen, he opened a door which seemed to lead into a  closet, he closed the door and kissed you "WTH is going on!!!!!" You thought then you melted into the kiss and kissed back "(y/n) can you meet me after breakfast here again please" " Ji- okay" you went back and both of you  brought the food to the dinner tables and distributed the plates of food and treats. You called the boys and you sat next to Yoongi smiling at him and blush

After breakfast
You went to the back to closet and he asked you something "(y/n)  can I take you out this Sunday?" You start to cry "J-jimin I-I need to think this through" "Why" he asked as he pulled you into a hug " I have plans with someone after you guys end the shoot" "oh! Okay" he said with a sigh at the end and left

You went back out with a bit of tears in your eyes and accidentally ran into the oldest to in the group Jin he saw your tears and dragged you to his room

Ok so what do you think?

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