The rumors pt 1

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You were asleep until you heard a buzz on your phone. It was a notification of a YouTube channel called Clevver News you clicked on the video.

Anoucer:Today we have something going on with Suga the BTS rapper.
Hi my name is Crystal Rodriguez and today we have something special for you guys.

(In your thoughts)What's happen to him

Crystal:Ok looks like BTS member Min Yoongi or known as Suga

C: Its seems like TMZ took a snap of him and an unknown girl, perhaps she is hi-

You pause the video where you can see the picture clearly and you see that Yoongi is holding your wrist as he leads you to his car.
You un paused the video

C: his girlfriend? We can't see who it is due to her wearing (fav color sweater) sweater with her hoodie on her head and sunglasses that look like Yoongi's sun glasses.

C:They were spotted at a local park, this next picture is in a local cafe near the park as you can see in the picture they grab some coffee and (fav desert like cake or pastries)

After the vid ended you call up Yoongi, "Hey (y/n)" he said as a bit of tiredness in his voice.

"Morning yoongi, can I come over I need to talk with you" you said the last sentence in a concern voice

" (y/n) is there something wrong?" He said with a concern voice

"Yeah it's just something I really need to talk about"

"Oh ok (y/n) I'll pick you up in 10"

10 Minutes later

You walk out the door to see Yoongi about to knock on the door you go out and tell him

"Can we talk at the dorm please"

"Ok"he said in a concern voice as he heard you wince,

Min Yoongi P.O.V
I hear (y/n) winced as she said her last word. We drove to the dorm and she said hi to the boys and we went to my room to talk.

"Yoongi, i need to show you something" she said as she tries not to cry in front of me

"(y/n) is ok" I bring her to a hug as she cried on my chest, she then pulled out of the hug and I kiss her head,she pulled out her phone and showed me a video (ok I'm to lazy to type it up again so I'm a make it easy and just say: what crystal said) the video ended and she looked upset and started panicking saying "What am I going to do I'm not famous rich, talented" " I'm just an average person just by passing life and I get into this mess" " I'm just average, I'm useless, as a matter of fact I'm ugly" I hug her and pulled away and kissed her right on the spot she soon kissed back and lower my head to hide my blush and hug her again telling her " You really think about yourself (y/n) your a special girl to me you make me feel a natural happiness when I'm around you your my hope your my sunshine, (Y/n) can I ask you something" "hmm?" She gave a respond looking up at me still in the hug "(y/n) I-I.....

She pulled out of the hug still panicking

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